HYY’s Environmental Committee

We are currently updating the website in English. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

The Environmental Committee is an organ of the Student Union of the University of Helsinki HYY and

  • gathers students at the University of Helsinki that are interested in environmental matters
  • increases the environmental knowledge of students
  • organizes different events, such as excursions, documentary nights, workshops about food waste, panel discussions and much more
  • supports those responsible for environmental matters in HYY’s organizations
  • executes, follows and updates HYY’s environment plan together with the member of the board of HYY responsible for environment
  • commits to follow ethically and ecologically sustainable principles, for example, by being a vegan Committee

How do you join? If you are a member of HYY you are always welcome to join. Meetings as well as events are open throughout the year for all members of HYY. You may join whenever to plan, make a change or just to see what the Environmental Committee is all about.

The next meeting is held on 23.10.2023 at 5.00pm in Kabinetti (Mechelininkatu 3D). We are still looking for a blog coordinator, campagin coordinator and members for the communications team. No prior experience is needed. This is a great opportunity to learn and make a change! Description of the positions are here. You can also apply for the positions by sending an informal application to hyynymparistovaliokunta[at]gmail.com. If you have any questions, you can send a message to this same email, on Facebook HYYn Ympäristöasiat or on Instagram hyy_ymparisto.

Follow us on Social Media for the latest updates!
Facebook & Instagram hyy_ymparisto