Stefania Gialdroni

Gialdroni picture

Stefania Gialdroni graduated in Law from the University of RomaTre and obtained her PhD “en-cotutelle” between the University of Milano-Bicocca and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris). Her PhD thesis dealt with the legal structure of the English East India Company in the 17th century and was published under the title “East India Company. Una storia giuridica (1600-1708)” in 2011. She has spent research periods in Germany, Great Britain and France and has worked as a temporary research fellow at the University of RomaTre, at UniNettuno University and at the University of Palermo. She has been Instructor of the “Law and the Humanities” course at the RomaTre University since 2008 and of the “Human Rights in Historical Perspective” course at Arcadia University, Rome Center, since 2012. Her research interests focus on the history of business corporations, the lex mercatoria and the relationship between law and the visual. Her study in this project refers to the interactions between the migration of words and merchants in medieval Europe.