Puhti pois? Äijä, joogaa!

mies joogaa_meditoiAlaspäin katsova koira ja joukko muita eläimiä

Siitä on vain kymmenisen vuotta, kun koin olevani elämäni vedossa. Koripallon perässä oli tullut juostua lapsesta asti, jalka liikkui ja korisukka heilui. Töihin riitti energiaa, eivätkä huolet juurikaan painaneet. Oven takana odotteli kuitenkin vääjäämätön tosiasia, jonka hyväksyminen otti aikansa. Ikääntyminen. Muistan jostain lukeneeni, että 25 ikävuoden jälkeen ihmiskehossa alkaa hidas, mutta vääjäämätön hiipuminen ilman aktiivista huolenpitoa. Ja jossain vaiheessa, olisiko ollut itselläni vähän kolmenkympin jälkeen, huomaan, että pallon perässä juokseminen ottaa enemmän kuin antaa. Into on poissa. Jalka painaa ja kaikki aiemmin tekemättä jääneet lihashuollot vaativat veronsa. Selkään sattuu. Välillä vähemmän, välillä, erityisesti matalapaineiden aikana, enemmän.

Totuutta on pakko katsoa silmiin. Ei suju. Koristossut naulaan ja puoliaktiivista kuntoilua lenkillä, työmatkapyöräillen, uiden ja kuntosalilla. Selkä tulee kuntoon ja kun veri vetää, niin vielä viimeinen yritys koripalloparketeilla. Muutama nihkeä vuosi ja selkä on jälleen jumissa. Kun liikunnasta jää viimeisetkin tavoitteellisuuden rippeet pois, huomaan löytäväni itseni yhä useammin sohvanpohjalta. Tämä tie osoittaa kataluutensa kuitenkin nopeasti.

Kun soppaan sekoittaa vielä öisin valvottavan pienen lapsen, huomaan tarvitsevani liikuntaa palauttaakseni johonkin kadonneen keskittymiskykyni.

 Selkävaivoja valitellessani tuttuni vinkkaa netistä löytyvään viiden minuutin pilates-ohjelmaan. Aloitan aamuni tuolla ja kuukausien kuluessa huomaan löytäneeni jostain keskivartalosta syvät lihakset. Parasta hommassa on kuitenkin se, että tuolla pienellä, mutta päivittäin toistuvalla harjoittelulla on dramaattiset seuraukset myös lenkkeilyyn. Juoksuasento paranee selkeästi ja lenkeistä pystyy nauttimaan aiempaa enemmän.

Päivittäisen oman jumpan aloittamisen jälkeen mieleen on hiipinyt myös ajatus siitä, uskaltaisiko jotain vastaavaa kokeilla myös ryhmässä. Huomaan, että UniSportilla on tarjolla äijäjoogakurssi, johon päätän hetken pohdittuani uskaltautua. Ajatukset ennen ensimmäistä kurssikertaa ovat jossain määrin sekavat. Mihin olen tulossa? Suurimmat huolet karisevat kuitenkin jo odotellessa saliin pääsyä. Oven eteen kerääntyy joukko eri-ikäisiä, -näköisiä ja –kuntoisuusluokkaan kuuluvia äijiä. Loputkin epäilyt osallistumisen mielekkyydestä karisevat, kun huomaan joogassa tehtävän paljon samoja liikkeitä, kuin omaan päiväjumppaani on kuulunut. Erityisen mukavaa on huomata, että joogatessa huomaan mielen tyyneyden kehittyvän yhdessä kehoa harjoittaessa.

Saan keskittyä vain itseeni, eikä tekemättömät työt tai puolitoistavuotiaan lapsen äksyily paina mieltäni.”

Miltä jooga sitten oikein tuntuu? Useammin on tullut mietittyä niitä nuorena tekemättä jääneitä liikkuvuusharjoitteita. Olenko todella näin jäykkä, kuin seipään niellyt? Ja useasti myös sitä, kuinka paljon haastetta oman kehon hallinnassa on. Tuntien jälkeen keho ja mieli kuitenkin kiittävät. Jopa niin paljon, että innostun ostamaan oman joogamaton. Ja lopulta huomaan kokeilevani nettijoogapalvelua kotoa käsin. Jollain tavalla jooga ja erityisesti sen tuoma seesteinen olo koukuttavat. Jooga tuntuu siis siellä missä pitääkin. Voimistaen heikkoja paikkoja ja notkistaen jäykkiä. Kaupan päälle saa vielä hyvän olon ja rauhallisen mielen. Tätä tulee tuskin enää lopetettua.

”Joogaa pohtivalle miehelle äijäjoogakurssi lienee helpoin tapa aloittaa.”

Kurssilla käydään kattavasti läpi perusliikkeitä ja harjoittelua voi sitten halutessaan jatkaa kotona. Useimmista liikkeistä ohjaaja kertoo myös helpommat variaatiot, jotka ainakin itselleni olivat useimmiten sopivia. Äijäjoogakurssi sopii varmasti jo aiemmin jooganneille, mutta erityisen hyvin se palvelee meitä aloittelevia. Suosittelen lämpimästi.

Teksti: Santeri Suomi santeri_suomi
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Santeri Suomi on tällä hetkellä opintovapaalla UniSportin töistä ja viettää aikansa jatko-opintojen ja pienen poikansa kanssa.

UniSport vinkkaa!
Äijäjoogaa pääset harjoittamaan sunnuntaina 8.5. alkavalla kurssillamme. Muita joogalajeja sekä pilatesta löydät Keho ja mieli -kategoriastamme sekä kursseina että viikkotunteina. Tarjoamme kursseja myös kehonhuoltoon.

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  9. Hua Hin Beach
    Start with Hua Hin Beach, an all-time hot beach. that no one has to check in here first when visiting Prachuap Khiri Khan It has been known as a resort town for a long time. Along the beach, there is a hotel beautiful restaurant Plenty for everyone to enjoy the sea in Hua Hin And is the center of various water activities such as banana boats, jet skis, as well as horseback riding on the beach as well.
    07-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  10. Krung Ching
    Krung Ching is a small community surrounded by mountains, with its center being a basin and a canal stream flowing through and nourishing the life of Krung Ching people from the past to the present. If you are one who loves adventure Fascinated by the tranquility and beautiful nature of the verdant forest, Krung Ching, a small community in the area of ​​Nopphitam District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. There are attractions for you to have fun and fun in a variety of forms, such as caves, waterfalls, white water rafting, mountains, sea fog, another place that should not be missed. Let’s get to know and say hello.
    10-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

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  13. Phrabat Huai Tom Community

    Phrabat Huai Tom Community In charge of the Huai Tom Royal Project Development Center A community with distinct differences in traditions, culture, beauty of temples and way of life. can be touched at Phrabat Huai Tom Community Visit Phrabat Huai Tom Community You can choose to stay overnight in a homestay with the people in the community. or choose a day trip Tourists will be able to absorb the way of life of the Pak K’nyau people who are bound by Buddhism. It also maintains traditions and local wisdom firmly, such as weaving ancient fabrics in the waist style. Use local natural materials to dye. There are ancient patterns such as shirts, pants, cloth bags, shoulder bags, silverware made using raw materials such as necklaces, bracelets, rings, utensils. There are unique, delicate and beautiful patterns adapted from nature such as fish, butterflies, and floral patterns, reflecting the wisdom in the minds of the tribes. including making jewelry from coconut shells wicker until becoming a recognized OTOP product Build a reputation for the community until now.

    more reviews
    14-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  14. หมู่บ้านชิราคาวาโกะ ตั้งอยู่ในเมืองกิฟุและโทยามะ เป็นหมู่บ้านที่มีชื่อเสียงได้รับการคัดเลือกให้เป็นมรดกโลกโดยองค์การยูเนสโก โดดเด่นด้วยอาคารแบบดั้งเดิมที่เรียกว่า Gassho-zukuri สร้างด้วยวัสดุธรรมชาติ ไม่ใช้ตะปูแม้แต่ตัวเดียว มีความเก่าแก่กว่า 300 ปี เป็นหมู่บ้านที่มีความงดงามมากโดยเฉพาะในช่วงฤดูหนาวที่หิมะตกโปรยปราย by wila 15/07

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  15. kun koin olevani elämäni vedossa. Koripallon perässä oli tullut juostua lapsesta asti, jalka liikkui ja*H


  16. ชายหาดที่ดีที่สุดของอเมริกา จะเป็นที่ไหนไปไม่ได้นอกจากที่นี่ Siesta Beach ฟลอริด้า ตั้งอยู่บนเกาะ Siesta Key เป็นชายหาดที่ทอดตัวยาวตามแนวอ่าวเม็กซิโก จึงทำให้ที่นี่เป็นหาดสุดจะดีงามในการมาพักผ่อน ทำกิจกรรมริมทะเล ดูนก อาบแดด เล่นน้ำ by wila 17/07

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  17. เกาะสวยที่มีชายหาดสวยงาม เหมาะสำหรับการอาบแดด ว่ายน้ำ และดำน้ำตื้น นักท่องเที่ยวที่ชื่นชอบธรรมชาติต้องตื่นตาตื่นใจไปกับสวนพืชเมืองร้อนของเมืองนี้ เพราะเป็นที่ที่รวบรวมพรรณไม้เมืองร้อนกว่า 1,500 สายพันธุ์เอาไว้ในที่เดียว by wila 19/07

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  18. ร้านยำแหนมข้าวทอดสตรีตฟู้ดเคลือนที่ไปตามโซนเอกชัย-บางบอน-บางแค-ถนนกาญจนาภิเษก เปิดขายมานานมากกว่า 10 ปี การันตีความอร่อยด้วยลูกค้าขาประจำที่อุดหนุนไม่ขาดสาย แถมยังรสชาติจัดจ้านโดนใจคนชอบความแซ่บ ข้าวทอดหอมกรอบ กินกับแหนมและหนังหมูเข้ากันดีมาก เคี้ยวแล้วหนุบ ๆ กรุบ ๆ ที่สำคัญเครื่องเคราต่าง ๆ แน่น ไม่ต้องกลัวไม่อิ่ม เรียกได้ว่าเป็นอีกหนึ่งร้านยำแหนมข้าวทอดที่ไม่ควรพลาด by wila 21/07

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  19. “Aum Patcharapa” sends oxygen dispensers to help Covid patients Another encouragement for doctors and nurses.
    “Aum Patcharapa” delivers high flow oxygen dispensers to help Covid-19 patients I would like to give another encouragement to all doctors and nurses.
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  20. Old temple in Songkhla province Located in Muang District, not far from Samila Beach. A place next to the sea has developed into a tourist attraction. Create a pathway for tourists Can easily walk to the area. Sacred rock located on the edge of the cliff, named “Hua Nai Rang” because it is located on the top of a hill giving views of the scenic views of Laem Samila beach. and Koh Rat and Koh Cat are beautiful31-07-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  21. Robots will swallow the nation!? Dr. Mahisorn Wongphati looks at the opportunities and crises of the Thai robot industry in the 4.0 era.
    Robots may only run in the imagination of many people. But today we are entering an era where robots work instead of people. especially the form of work that has to be repetitive According to a 2016 report by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), from 2010 to 2014, sales of industrial robots increased by 27% across all industries. (Except motor vehicles and electrical appliances/…
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  22. Exercise is very important to the health of our people because in addition to what helps our immune system strong to help protect against various ailments. not to encroach on the sanitary It also helps us to have a strong body that does not get tired easily like … Read More » https://ipro191.com/ By wila 02/08

  23. Phra That Sawi
    An old temple of the city of Chumphon province. Inside there is an important historical site. “Phra That Sawi” contains the Buddha’s relics in the chedi. Sacred things that are worshiped by Chumphon people and people in nearby provinces. The architecture of Phra That Sawi is an inverted bell shape. It has the same characteristics as Phra Borommathat in Nakhon Si Thammarat. but different in size At present04-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  24. A natural phenomenon that remains a mystery that occurred at Death Valley National Park in California (California)? United States of America, the delivery was found. will find traces of the movement of stones left on dry clay for a long time by natural phenomenon This happens every ?2 – 3? times, and some rocks take over 3 – 4 yrs to move. Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila

  25. A Thai province, Phuket’s main city is also called Phuket. It is a large island province and is filled with several islands located in the western coast of the country. Also filled with scenic beaches which feature various luxury resorts, private beach bungalows and traditional accommodations for visitors. These beaches are filled with stylish nightclubs and shopping centres. For those who want to spend their time with leisure can also visit golf courses, historical museums, and monuments.

    Phuket is the luxury vacation seeker’s paradise. Travelers come here because of the classy retreats and the best nightlife in South East Asia. Phuket is also a destination of choice for business travellers, corporate groups and those who are looking to find an ideal venue for their bachelor’s or bachelorette parties. The bustling streets of Phuket are ongoing with life 24×7 and the party never ends here. The travellers looking for some pampering can also spend their time at the spa resorts situated around the many beaches.
    BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/

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    To use this feature Users don’t need to do anything, just log in to their Google account. Then fill out the form The system will automatically save the form filling. can continue to fill (However, those recordings are only valid for 30 days after the last edit.)
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  27. f you want to back off Lamborghini Urus like “Chompu-Araya”, how many baht per month do you have to pay?
    is a hot trend in the entertainment industry after “Chompoo-Araya” posted a picture with a luxury car Lamborghini Urus, a beautiful red label. so that many people feel joy as well Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila

  28. Chonlamakwithi Bridge
    Chonlamakwithi Bridge or the bridge along the seashore in Chonburi Another interesting landmark in Chonburi province. Located in the city, not far from Bangsaen beach and Khao Sammuk. It is a bridge along the sea with a distance of several kilometers. It stretches from Sukhumvit Road to Khao Bang Sai Temple. While driving, you will see the bridge that stretches parallel to the sea12-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  29. It is a small archipelago in the Krabi Province in Southern Thailand. Ko Phi Phi Don is the largest island of the group and is the only island with permanent inhabitants. The smaller Ko Phi Phi Leh is famous as the filming location for the 2000 movie “The Beach”. The island is filled with luxury retreats which provide stunning views of the island. Ko Phi Phi is promoted by Thailand Tourism because of umpteen reasons. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/

  30. Na Sattha, Thai National Park
    Conservationists must love this place. “Na Sattha, Thai National Park” , which is located on an area of ​​​​over 42 rai, is a tourist attraction for learning.19-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

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  36. Launched airasia super app service in Thailand today. Ready to release the first service food delivery
    “AirAsia Digital”, a digital business unit under the AirAsia Group. Launching the latest service airasia food (Air Asia Food) Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 23/8

  37. Intel unveils its own brand of graphics cards, Intel Arc, available in early 2022.
    Intel has announced its first discrete graphics card, Intel Arc, available in the first quarter of 2022. Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 23/8

  38. “Nong Prang” daughter of “Benz Pornchita” took a photo to show off her nails. Pose size But the inner is so great!
    Got a full mother. “Nong Prang”, the second daughter of “Benz Pornchita”, took a photo to show off her nails. Pose size But the inner is so great that I thought the model came by herself. Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 23/8

  39. “May Sirin” launches a new love Handsome, full of deliciousness, the former sweetheart “Toomtam Yuttana” still comes to tease
    “May Sirin” launches a new love “Porsche Thanakorn” releases a sweet couple moment, a former sweetheart, Toomtam Yuttaya, also came to tease Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 23/8

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  41. Popularly known just as Rot Fai Market, Talad Rot Fai Srinakarin Night Market is a shopping paradise for the fans of vintage stuff. This market comes alive in the night and is frequented by those who love everything vintage and classic. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/

  42. If you want to make sure that the souvenirs you are taking home are made by the local craftsmen and that they are not being cheated in the term of fairprice sharing then One Tambon, One product is the place you should visit. Popularly known as the OTOP shops, this market is a part of government initiative to promote and support the local artisans. You can buy a number of local made items like scented soaps, candles, slippers, clothing, ornaments, carpets and even fuBY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/

  43. Uber, the US-based ride-sharing and food delivery service (Uber Eats), has announced it is joining forces to help healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is spreading heavily in the United States and Canada. With the announcement of delivering 300,000 meals to medical staff and first responders, totaling 300,000 free meals, Nelson Chai (Nelson C…
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  44. Small Business Entrepreneurs Become One of the Victims of the COVID-19 Crisis play hard Until some people have to roll up the mat to temporarily suspend their business because they are fully affected. As people began to travel to less crowded places. and social campaign to make Social Distance Facebook, a social media platform and one of the most popular marketing areas of all business brands…
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  45. Naval War Memorial at Koh Chang
    Naval battle at Koh Chang It is a very important event in Thai history. It was the battle of the Royal Thai Navy against French naval forces in 1941, the only international naval battle in Thai history. by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  46. Wat Phra Chetuphon Wimonmangkalaram Ratchaworawihan or Wat Pho is located near the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. and the Grand Palace It is another popular check-in point in Bangkok. It is a temple with beautiful architecture as well. especially Phra Maha Chedi of the Four Reigns which is the Great Chedi of His Majesty King Buddha Yodfa Chulalok the Great His Majesty King Buddha Loetla Nabhalai His Majesty the King and King Mongkut
    23-08-2021 by ศุภดา go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  47. Wat Phra Si Rattana Satsadaram (Wat Phra Kaew) and the Grand Palace It is the must-see attraction of Thailand. Anyone who has already arrived in Bangkok must come and check-in here once. Inside the Temple of the Emerald Buddha and the Grand Palace full of buildings beautiful architecture Decorated both outside and inside, beautiful in the style of Thai art. In the part of Wat Phra Sri Rattana Satsadaram, there is Phra Sri Rattana Chedi in golden yellow. The Ubosot is decorated with b
    23-08-2021 by ศุภดา go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  48. oy themselves without being interrupted or distracted by their phones. The phone signals are weakened because silver foil and copper mesh have been placed inside the walls of the establishment, thereby making it difficult for phones to have good reception. The pub’s owner said that so far, customers say they like the system and it is having its desired effect.

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