”UniSportin taitokursseilla tärkeintä on innostus ja halu oppia uutta”

Mikä yhdistää seuraavia termejä: Body Weight Training, käsilläseisonta, parkour ja permantoakrobatia?

Oikea vastaus: Tästä nelikosta koostuu UniSportin taitokurssikategoria ja kaikissa niissä opetellaan monipuolisesti erilaisia liikkumistaitoja ja hyödynnetään oman kehon painoa harjoittelussa.

UniSportin taitokurssien yhtenä ohjaajana toimii Tung Bui. Tung on Kauppatieteiden maisteri, näyttelijä ja stuntmies, mustan vyön karateka sekä valmentaja.

Valmentajana Tungia kiinnostaa erityisesti valmennettavien kehittäminen taidollisesti, ja valmennustyön suola on kurssilaisten saavuttama selkeä kehittyminen kurssikerrasta toiseen ja kasvava innostus uuden oppimiseen. Valmentamisen ohella Tung harjoittelee itse tavoitteellisesti, ja häntä itseään uusien taitojen harjoittelussa inspiroi ennen kaikkea monipuolisuus:

Minulla on palava tarve kehittyä jatkuvasti ja taitoharjoittelu on vuosien saatossa osoittautunut kaikkein kattavimmaksi tavaksi kehittyä niin fyysisesti kuin henkisesti”, Tung kertoo.

UniSportilla Tung opetti aluksi permantoakrobatiaa ja kun kurssit osoittautuivat suosituiksi, hän alkoi ohjata myös muita taitokursseja kuten käsilläseisontaa ja Body Weight Trainingia. Kokenut ohjaaja on vuosien saatossa vetänyt treenejä kaiken tasoisille liikkujille isommissa ja pienemmissä keskuksissa. UniSportille ja unisporttilaisille Tung antaa varauksettomat kehunsa:

Itselleni parasta on ollut kurssilaisten into ja ennakkoluulottomuus, joka on johtanut monien osalta kasvaneeseen liikunnan iloon ja onnistumisen tunteisiin. Yleisesti UniSportin laaja kurssitarjonta, taitavat valmentajat/opettajat sekä edullinen hinta ovat mielestäni huippuluokkaa. UniSportin palvelujen käyttäjät ovat etuoikeutettuja.”

(Videolla Tung Buin taidonnäytteenä 15 erilaista tapaa tehdä kehonpainoliike “Burpee”)

Taitokurssit tarjoavat haastetta lähes loputtomasti kenelle tahansa, mutta hyvä puoli niissä on myös se, että kaikki liikkeet voidaan skaalata jokaisen lähtötasolle sopivaksi. Tungin mukaan tärkeimmät asiat uuden taidon opettelussa ovatkin innostus ja halu oppia uutta. Esimerkiksi permantoakrobatian alkeet –kurssilla ei edellytetä edes kuperkeikan osaamista – riittää, että uskaltaa yrittää.

Kehonpainolla tehtävän harjoittelun kovan suosion yksi syy piilee siinä, että erillisiä välineitä tai saliympäristöä ei tarvita. Tässä liikuntamuodossa riittää myös loputtomasti haasteita, sillä aina löytyy uusia vaikeampia ja enemmän taitoa ja voimaa vaativia liikkeitä, joista saa uutta motivaatiota. Tässäkään lajissa ei ole oikotietä huipulle, vaan kaikki lähtee perusliikkeiden hallinnasta. Perusliikkeiden hallinta on kaiken a ja o, sillä kaikki vaativammat liikkeet rakentuvat niiden pohjalle:

”Kehonpainokyykky, telinevoimistelusta tuttu kuppiasento, aktiivinen roikunta sekä lapapunnerrus rakentavat mielestäni hyvän kehonhallinnallisen perustan liikkuvuuden ja lihasaktivaation osalta”, Tung tiivistää oman näkemyksensä perusteista.


Teksti: Jussi Pesola, UniSport

Kuva: Marko Simonen for Movement Center

UniSportin taitokurssien tarkemmat kuvaukset löydät nettisivuiltamme ja kursseille voit ilmoittautua joko netissä tai asiakaspalvelussamme. Kurssit ovat avoimia kaikille ja niistä veloitetaan erillinen kurssimaksu. Kurssipaikat täytetään ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä. Lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu mukaan kevään kursseille!


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    Say Hi! Coral Island, another popular tourist island in Phuket. because it is an island that is not difficult to travel from the city By taking a speedboat only 15-20 minutes to reach the island. This is a beautiful sandy beach, soft white sand, fine texture, soft footed walking. It also has clear sea water. Let us chill, take beautiful photos, sunbathe, kayak, and bikinis are here!
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  10. Did you know! Just light 3 incense sticks to get cancer-causing substances.
    Equivalent to standing in the middle of a red light intersection
    Or stand for the children to smoke the car in front of them
    *ขิม 8/7

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  11. 100-year-
    old market Pak Phanang is a traditional market for more than 100 years, located at the eastern crossing port. Most of the houses Made of wood with no market. As old as many places, the simplicity and nature of the people’s lifestyles It looks magical and attracts you to visit. This market is located next to the river. At the beginning of the market will be a shop. It looks like a row of houses next to each other in blocks, mostly selling local snacks such as Khanom La, including fresh seafood. affordable prices at fishermen I will send the seller every day.
    10-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  12. Thailand builds Thailand, proposes 9 items to urge the government to act urgently to cure covid
    The deputy spokesman for the Thai Sang Thai Party urged the government to offer nine proposals that must be done urgently. Help Thailand get out of the
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    kaikki lähtee perusliikkeiden hallinnasta. Perusliikkeiden hallinta on kaiken a ja o, sillä kaikki vaativammat liikkeet rakentuvat niiden pohjalle:
    kaikki lähtee perusliikkeiden hallinnasta. Perusliikkeiden hallinta on kaiken a ja o, sillä kaikki vaativammat liikkeet rakentuvat niiden pohjalle:


  14. “Line is down” True network netizens complained. Han sure for what?
    It seems that the problem has not been solved for this morning with the case of LINE crashing on the True network. Recently, LINE has sifted the documents to the media with the following message:
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  15. See Mae Ping scenery and sunset at Doi Kratuek viewpoint.

    The viewpoint is on Doi Kratuek. Located on the opposite side of the Protection Unit Kaeng Ko has to take a boat to cross a distance of 1 km. You can ask the boat from the park. The boat fee is 20 baht per person. After that, you have to walk up the hill, a distance of about 400-500 m. You should wear sneakers. Protective socks, long pants, be prepared, as the path is overgrown with dry branches that can hit your thighs. From Doi Kratuek Viewpoint You can see the Ping River flowing from the north and its inlets, lakes, alternating mountains and deciduous forests. It is also a beautiful sunrise and sunset spot.
    14-07-2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  16. Chiang Mai walking street at night It is a charm that tourists must visit once. If you don’t come, it’s considered you haven’t arrived in Chiang Mai. give an atmosphere like with Chatuchak We14-07-2021 BY hunny Go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  17. ฮาลองเบย์ มหัศจรรย์แห่งอ่าวมังกรตกน้ำ 1 ใน 10 อันดับ สุดยอดสถานที่ท่องเที่ยวยอดฮิตในอาเซียน ตามนิทานปรัมปราของชาวเวียดนาม ที่กล่าวถึงมังกรโบราณซึ่งเคยร่อนมาลงในอ่าวนี้เมื่อครั้งดึกดำบรรพ์ และชื่อของฮาลอง ก็แปลได้ว่า มังกรร่อนลง จากความสวยงามและสมบูรณ์ของอ่าวฮาลอง ทำให้ที่นี่ประกาศได้เป็น มรดกโลก ทางธรรมชาติ จากองค์กรยูเนสโก ในปี พ.ศ. 2537 เสน่ห์ของที่นี่คือ เกาะหินปูนเกือบ 2,000 เกาะ ซึ่งมีถ้ำมากมายรอให้เราไปชม แถมที่นี่ยังมีอ่าวที่เหมาะแก่การพายเรือคายัคอีกด้วย by wila 15/07

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  20. มาถึงหาดสวยติดอันดับโลกในประเทศเราบ้างที่ หาดในหาน ภูเก็ต ค่ะ บอกเลยว่าที่นี่เป็นชายหาดที่มีทะเลสวยระดับเอเชียอีกด้วย นอกจากน้ำทะเลที่สวยใสแล้ว พื้นทรายของที่นี่ยังละเอียดจนอยากนอนอยู่กับพื้นทรายนานๆ สมกับเป็นไข่มุกเม็ดงามของทะเลอันดามันจริงๆ by wila 17/07

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  21. เมืองตรงกลางระหว่างเบลเยียมและเยอรมนี ที่เต็มไปด้วยประวัติศาสร์และวัฒนธรรม มีจัตุรัสกลางเมืองที่สวยงาม 2 แห่ง คือ Vrijthof ที่มีโบสถ์ Sint-Servaas และวิหาร Sint-Jan ส่วนอีกหนึ่งแลนด์มาร์กที่สำคัญ ก็คือ Vestigingswerken ของเมือง หรือป้อมปราการเมืองเก่าที่ดึงดูดนักท่องเที่ยวให้เข้ามาเยี่ยมชมเป็นจำนวนมาก by wila 19/07

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  22. ตั้งอยู่ที่ทิศใต้ของวิทยาลัยกรีน เมืองบริสตอล ประเทศอังกฤษ เป็นอาคารหอสมุดที่มีประวัติยาวนานตั้งแต่ในอดีต ถูกสร้างขึ้นตั้งแต่ปี 2449 ความสวยงามที่น่าทึ่งของหอสมุดแห่งนี้ คือการผสมผสานศิลปะทางสถาปัตยกรรมหลาย ๆ รูปแบบแต่ลงตัว และออกมาเป็นเอกลักษณ์เฉพาะตัวที่ไม่เหมือนที่ใด ตัวอาคารด้านนอกมีการออกแบบโดยผสมผสานระหว่างสถาปัตยกรรมสไตล์อังกฤษและโมเดิร์น นอกจากนี้ หอสมุดแห่งนี้ยังถูกสร้างบนพื้นที่ลาดเอียง ทำให้ฝั่งด้านหน้าของอาคารมีทั้งหมด 3 ชั้น ในขณะที่ด้านหลังของอาคารมี 5 ชั้น (รวมชั้นใต้ดิน 2 ชั้น) by wila 21/07

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  23. The Market joins hands with Don Don Donki to offer a promotion “GrabMart Sod Mong Long”
    The Market Bangkok shopping center in collaboration with Dong Don Donki Department Store to please customers at home like this, we would like to offer a promotion “GrabMart Sod Mong Lon” SALE!! Special sale items 20 – 30% 29 Jul. – 8 Aug. 20
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  24. Valmentajana Tungia kiinnostaa erityisesti valmennettavien kehittäminen taidollisesti, ja valmennustyön suola on kurssilaisten saavuttama selkeä kehittyminen kurssikerrasta toiseen ja kasvava innostus uuden oppimiseen. Valmentamisen ohella Tung harjoittelee itse tavoitteellisesti, ja häntä itseään uusien taitojen harjoittelussa inspiroi ennen kaikkea monipuolisuus: ทน


  25. Tungia kiinnostaa erityisesti valmennettavien kehittäminen taidollisesti, ja valmennustyön suola on UniSportin taitokurssien yhtenä ohjaajana toimii Tung Bui. Tung on Kauppatieteiden maisteri, näyttelijä ja stuntmies, mustan vyön karateka sekä valmentaja.kurssilaisten saavuttama selkeä kehittyminen kurssikerrasta toiseen ja kasvava innostus uuden oppimiseen. Valmentamisen ohella Tung harjoittelee itse tavoitteellisesti, ja häntä itseään uusien taitojen harjoittelussa inspiroi ennen kaikkea monipuolisuus: ทน


  26. Sportin taitokurssien yhtenä ohjaajana toimii Tung Bui. Tung on Kauppatieteiden maisteri, näyttelijä ja stuntmies, mustan vyön karateka sekä valmentaja.kurssilaien. Valmentamisen ohella Tung harjoittelee itse tavoitteellisesti, ja häntä itseään uusien taitojen harjoittelussa inspiroi ennen kaikkea monipuolisuus: ทน


  27. หาดทรายรีสวี หาดทรายที่สวยงามของอำเภอสวี ตั้งอยู่หมู่ที่ 8 ตำบลท่าหิน เป็นชายหาดขนาดใหญ่ทอดตัวยาวขนานกับทิวมะพร้าว เหมาะสำหรับการพักผ่อนหรือขับรถชมวิวและชมวิถีชีวิตชาวประมงอันเรียบง่าย มีบ้านพักให้บริการ by wila 22/07

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  28. So I’ll kiss you longer, baby (hey)
    Any chance that I get
    I’ll make the most of the minutes
    And love with no regrets
    Let’s take our time to say what we want (say what we want)
    Use what we got before it’s all gone (all gone
    ‘Cause no (no), we’re not promised tomorrow
    ขิม 22/7
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  29. จากอดีตป่าเสื่อมโทรมสู่ปัจจุบันเป็นแหล่งหากินของสัตว์เท้ากีบจำพวกเนื้อทราย เก้ง กวาง หลายร้อยตัว ทุ่งกะมัง เขตรักษาพันธุ์สัตว์ป่าภูเขียว เป็นอีกหนึ่งความสำเร็จที่แสดงให้เห็นว่ามนุษย์สามารถฟื้นคืนธรรมชาติ หากจัดการอย่างถูกต้องเหมาะสม ที่นี่เป็นพื้นที่ทุ่งโล่งแลดูคล้ายแอ่งกะละมังกลางป่า เกิดจากการถางป่าทำการเกษตรของชาวบ้าน กระทั่งภายหลังมีการประกาศเขตรักษาพันธุ์สัตว์ป่าและอพยพผู้คนออกไป ป่าจึงเริ่มฟื้นตัว ต่อมาได้มีโครงการนำเนื้อทรายมาปล่อยให้หากินและแพร่พันธุ์ตามธรรมชาติ กลายเป็นจุดสนใจของนักท่องเที่ยวที่สามารถเข้ามาเยี่ยมชมและสัมผัสความน่ารักของพวกมันอย่างใกล้ชิด by wila 23/07

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  30. Because skin care alone may not be enough. But take care of the ecosystem. Galliné products
    Gallinée is a pioneer in skincare with a microbiome, a protective skin ecosystem – microbiome – based on prebiotics, probiotics and lactic acid complexes. Patented based on the latest research in microbiology.
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  31. “Extraordinary Specie”, a special collection from CARNIVAL and X-Large.
    CARNIVAL has teamed up with X-Large, the shirt brand that many people are familiar with with the Gorilla logo. by this collection picks up the special gorilla to blend with the Thai way of life
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  32. “Mixed Union” is very popular. Big fan club. Countdown to the 23rd birthday until becoming trending on Twitter
    “Mixed Union” is not weak, fans around the world are big. Countdown to birthday, age 23, send trending hashtags #3 on Twitter
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  33. “We can’t be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don’t have something better.” — C. JoyBell C.

  34. “A man may fail many times but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”
    – John Burroughs

  35. Khao Tang Kuan is one of the important tourist attractions in Mueang Songkhla District. From the top of the mountain, you can see the surrounding city of Songkhla. On the top of Mount Tang Kuan is enshrined the Phra That Chedi of Songkhla. which was built during the Nakhon Si Thammarat Kingdom It is an art of the Dvaravati period. There are also many interesting tourist spots, such as the lighthouse, the red pavilion. Tang Kuan Mountain Viewpoint31-07-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  36. To the far-flung wow deliciousness! KFC plans to fly new burgers in 80,000 feet of airspace
    Known for the deliciousness of Colonel Harland Sanders’ recipe for fried chicken for 87 years (founded in 1930) when thinking of launching an advertising campaign and launching a menu all new If normal, it might not be KFC anymore. Recently, the famous fast food company KFC from the United States has launched an advertising campaign that will bring the menu…

  37. When talking about Lactobacillus Lactobacillus (Lactobacillus) Many people have heard and are familiar with it because and often think of fermented milk mainly because lactobacillus is present in a lot of fermented milk. Lactobacillus is a tiny microorganism that is invisible to the naked eye, but the benefits of the microorganism … Read More » https://ipro191.com/ By wila 02/08

  38. Hong Kong, a small island full of entertainment of all kinds. There are both department stores for shopping. world-class theme park Entertainment for gamblers and many more attractions that will make you fall in love with Hong Kong irrevocably Major attractions in Hong Kong such as Hong Kong Disneyland, The Peak, Temple Street Night Market, Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, Hong Kong Ocean Park, Clock Tower, etc03/08/2021 BY ศุภดา Go to website:https://ipro191.com/.

  39. Tham Khao Kriap
    is located inside Wat Tham Khao Kriap. One of the famous temples in Chumphon province. What is interesting is that from Wat Tham Khao Kriap, there is a path leading to the foot of the cement staircase leading to the cave. can walk comfortably Upon reaching the mouth of the cave, you will find a white Buddha image enshrined in front of the cave. Inside the cave are spectacular stalactites and stalagmites04-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  40. Penitentes? natural phenomenon caused by snow formation patterns that can be found in areas that are much higher than sea level with the form of a triangular rod, slender, high, which causes this phenomenon to have the sun’s rays causing this strange shape; blotchy spots spread all over the snow And this indentation will have a small pool of water trapped. And this bath when exposed to sunlight acts like a lens. The light shone deeper and deeper until it formed an ice field. White Priest Due to the shape of this ice, it resembled a high-spirited priest’s hat. Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila

  41. A Thai province, Phuket’s main city is also called Phuket. It is a large island province and is filled with several islands located in the western coast of the country. Also filled with scenic beaches which feature various luxury resorts, private beach bungalows and traditional accommodations for visitors. These beaches are filled with stylish nightclubs and shopping centres. For those who want to spend their time with leisure can also visit golf courses, historical museums, and monuments.

    Phuket is the luxury vacation seeker’s paradise. Travelers come here because of the classy retreats and the best nightlife in South East Asia. Phuket is also a destination of choice for business travellers, corporate groups and those who are looking to find an ideal venue for their bachelor’s or bachelorette parties. The bustling streets of Phuket are ongoing with life 24×7 and the party never ends here. The travellers looking for some pampering can also spend their time at the spa resorts situated around the many beaches.
    BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/

  42. 8Have you ever?? When you fill out a form or quiz in Google Forms and accidentally refresh the screen change device or turn off the screen which is the main reason for data loss. And we have to fill out all the new forms. But recently, this problem will be gone when Google (Google) announced the addition of a feature to save form autofills in Google Forms.

    To use this feature Users don’t need to do anything, just log in to their Google account. Then fill out the form The system will automatically save the form filling. can continue to fill (However, those recordings are only valid for 30 days after the last edit.)
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  43. Open the price of the new Lamborghini Urus of “Chompoo-Araya” starting at only 23 million baht!
    After “Chompu-Araya A. Hartgate” posted a picture of a luxury car, a red label, the new Lamborghini Urus that has just retreated. Many people would like to know how much this car actually costs. Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila

  44. Saen Suk Temple
    Wat Saen Suk is located not far from Bang Saen Beach. There is an interesting thing which is Maha Chedi Ket Kaew Chulamani Asana Suk Maha Viharn or Maha Chedi Wat Saen Suk. Landmark Saiboon recently built with spectacular beauty In addition, in the area of ​​the temple that is located before the entrance to the Great Chedi There are also stucco sculptures, Buddhist gardens, heavenly cities, and hell as a reminder to refrain from evil12-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  45. It is a small archipelago in the Krabi Province in Southern Thailand. Ko Phi Phi Don is the largest island of the group and is the only island with permanent inhabitants. The smaller Ko Phi Phi Leh is famous as the filming location for the 2000 movie “The Beach”. The island is filled with luxury retreats which provide stunning views of the island. Ko Phi Phi is promoted by Thailand Tourism because of umpteen reasons. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/

  46. Na Sattha, Thai National Park
    Conservationists must love this place. “Na Sattha, Thai National Park” , which is located on an area of ​​​​over 42 rai, is a tourist attraction for learning.19-08-2021 by hunny go to website:https://ipro191.com/

  47. Or as we call it “Wat Phra Kaew” is located in the east corner of the Grand Palace. in the outer court of the Grand Palace Opposite Silpakorn University Na Phra Lan Road It is regarded as an important identity of Thailand. It is also enshrined. “Phra Maha Mani Rattana Patimakorn” or “Emerald Buddha”, including used as an important religious ceremony

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  48. Another oldest temple in Thailand It was established about 200 years before there was another Thailand. Importantly, Wat Pho also has a reclining Buddha image. Or the largest reclining Buddha image in Thailand, enshrined in a beautiful identity. Build a reputation around the world as well. as well as the scenery and the way of life of the local people It is also a very impressive nature in the eyes of tourists as well.

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  53. Reddit has started rolling out a TikTok-like video feed feature to iOS users.
    Many social media apps these days have one feature that is similar. which is popular during this period as well That’s the video feed. Read more >>> https://ipro191.com/ By wila 23/8

  54. “DJ Petchja” has updated her illness. “Ama” has left the ICU.
    DJ Phetja updated Emma’s illness After entering the ICU It’s the best news after 4 days of sleepless nights.Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 23/8

  55. Drama heats up! “Tac Pharanyu” – “DJ Phum” posted a picture of a luxury car, priced at 10 million.
    Drama heats up! Joint photo frame “Tac Pharanyu” and “DJ Phum” stepping on a luxury car, costing more than 10 million, netizens warn inappropriately Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 23/8

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  58. Koh Lanta’s island Sail Rock is a paradise of an island that is filled with cheap hostels and beautiful beaches. This island is also a destination of choice among the diving enthusiasts from all over the world. Unlike a majority of dive destinations, Sail Rock provides the cheapest diving options available in the country. Sail Rock or Hin Bai attracts the most experienced divers as well as the newbies here to witness some amazing underwater sightings. The deep dive site goes over 40 meters below the land. Because of its distance, Sail Rock has a very unique population of marine life. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See https://ipro191.com/

  59. LINE MAN increases safety measures in food delivery service during the Covid-19 epidemic situation. By adding a contactless delivery feature, customers can choose to reduce contact between drivers and customers. Along with the Self Pick-up feature, you can choose to order food through the app. and pick it up at the store free of charge. by the various features will gradually rise…
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  60. IBM, a computer technology manufacturer in the United States. Come out to reveal that they have worked closely with the US government. in dealing with the epidemic situation of COVID-19 It directly supports supercomputers to conduct research and develop treatments for the disease, said IBM’s director of research, Dario Gil.
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  61. . The owner said he set up the system because he wanted people to enjoy themselves without being interrupted or distracted by their phones. The phone signals are weakened because silver foil and copper mesh have been placed inside the walls of the establishment, thereby making it difficult for phones to have good reception. The pub’s owner said that so far, customers say they like the system and it is having its desired effect.

  62. the system because he wanted people to enjoy themselves without being interrupted or distracted by their phones. The phone signals are weakened because silver foil and copper mesh have been placed inside the walls of the establishment, thereby making it difficult for phones to have good reception. The pub’s owner said that so far, customers say they like the system and it is having its desired effect.

  63. Maya Bay is the jewel of the Andaman. Famous all over the world It looks like a semicircular arched bay. It is surrounded by limestone mountains on both sides. The sandy beach in front of the bay is beautiful white. The sea is a beautiful clear blue. You can see the coral reefs under the sea several meters. During calm waves, clear skies, some days you can see boat reflections reflecting on the sand beneath the sea. It is no surprise that it has become a tourist destination for foreigners.
    23/08/2021 BY- ศุภดา https://ipro191.com/

  64. Khao Tapu is located in Koh Panyee Subdistrict. Mueang Phang Nga District It is characterized by a rocky mountain shaped like a large nail. towering in the middle of the sea at the mouth of Phang Nga Bay which is caused by the erosion of sea water As a result, the submerged part becomes smaller and smaller, like hammering a nail into the sea. It has become a famous tourist destination all over the world. After the James Bond movie The Golden Gun Executioner had to use Khao Tapu as a filming location It is the origin of the name James Bond
    23/08/2021 BY- ศุภดา https://ipro191.com/

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