User Survey on exporting grades from Moodle to Sisu

Grades from Moodle can be exported to Sisu in two ways: either using the direct Sisu export from the Grades view in Moodle, or exporting the grades in Excel format and using the SIMU-converter (see instructions).

Do you have experience in exporting grades from Moodle to Sisu? Please answer this short survey that takes ca. five minutes to fill out. The quiz results will influence further development of the grade export functionality.

The Quiz will be open until Friday 17th December.

Moodle upgrades on June 30th 2021

Moodle will be upgraded to version 3.10 on June 30th, 2021, from 8 AM to 5 PM. During this time, Moodle is closed and cannot be logged into. The update may not take the whole day, but the time is reserved as a precaution to prepare for potential update issues and fixes.

The update does not bring major changes to Moodle, just some minor usability improvements. For example, in new Moodle areas, activity completion will be on by default. This makes it easier to enable the feature in activities. A major layout update is coming with Moodle 4.0 version (follow the development of The University of Helsinki is launching it in the summer 2022.

Moodle is now better accessible with WCAG 2.1. version. To increase accessibility, we have added a small arrow ➚ to links made in the editor that open in a new window / tab. This can be seen, for example, in texts made with Page, Book and Label resources.

Contact us

Subscribe the new Moodle-News mailing list

The Moodle-News mailing list will be renewed and everyone will have to subscribe to the news again.  As of August 2021, we will only communicate through the new mailing list.

How do I subscribe the mailing list?

  • Send an email to
  • Enter the command subscribe moodle-news in the text section of the e-mail. (The subject field of the message can be left blank.)
  • See more detailed instructions on the Helpdesk website

Problems? Please contact

Unitube videos on Moodle are unavailable on 8 June 2021

The entire Unitube video service will be out of use due to a service break on Tuesday, 8 June 2021. The service break is due to the mandatory version update of the Unitube backend system Opencast, which allows us to improve the further development of Unitube services.

During the service break on 8 June 2021:

  • Unitube Uploader and Viewer Services as well as Unitube facilities and Studios will be unavailable.
  • Unitube videos on Moodle are unavailable.
  • Please contact the IT Helpdesk in case of problems.
  • See the news in Flamma.

We apologise to university staff and students for any inconvenience caused by the service break!

Moodle operates normally during the Sisu deployment

Due to the deployment of the Sisu student information system, Oodi and Sisu are not available as usual from 17th to 30th May, 2021 (see Flamma News). During this time, Moodle will work normally.

New Moodle areas only with the order form

During the interruption of Sisu deployment, 17th to 30th May, Moodle areas cannot be created through course pages. If you want to create a Moodle area on the course pages, do so before or after the break (see Moodle Teacher’s Guide).

During the break, Moodle areas can be ordered using the form on the Moodle home page (see Moodle Teacher’s Guide).

Grades from Moodle to Sisu

From 31st May, 2021 you can export the final grades from Moodle directly to Sisu. This requires that the Moodle area has been created on the course pages and that Moodle Gradebook is in use. Instructions are coming in English to page Instructions for teaching.


If you have any questions about Moodle, please contact moodle (ät)