Problems with Moodle (5.11.2015)

UH Moodle was out of use at the 5th of November because of unexpected fault situation! We worked our best to solve the problem quickly but unfortunately Moodle was unusable the whole evening.

We are sorry for the inconvenience!

For more information, please contact

Edit: service break ended at 21:30 and Moodle is now back in use.

Moodle will be updated on 10th June 2013 at 10:00-14:00 (service break!).

Moodle will be updated to version 2.4 and is out of use on Monday the 10th of June 2013 starting at 10:00. The estimated duration of service break is four hours. Moodle should be in normal use again at 14:00 (possibly earlier). Please take the service break into account when planning teaching and learning in Moodle at this time.

There will be no drastic changes to Moodle, mostly small improvements such as visual updates (new core icons). Another improvement is a possibility to edit the course overview list at “My Home” page.

See more detailed information about new 2.4 version:

Please contact us at ok-moodle (AT) if you have any questions on this matter.