Moodle is now upgraded to a new version (2.6)

UH-Moodle is now upgraded to a new version (Moodle 2.6). A maintenance break at the 17th of May was shorter than expected and the break was over already at 9:30 am. All Moodle courses are now normally in use.

There are some new features in the new version: The most important improvement in Moodle 2.6 is the new responsive layout theme which makes mobile use for students and teachers easier (smart phones, tablet computers etc.).
UH’s Moodle user guides will be updated to mach the new version during the summer 2014.

More information about the new version of Moodle is available at ok-moodle @

Moodle service break on 17th June 2014 (edit: the break is over at 9:30 already)

Edit 17.6. 9:30: The break is over!

During the break, Moodle will be updated to a new version (2.6). The list of new features published by the international Moodle community presents the most noticeable improvements for teachers and students: and

Note that some new functions may not be taken to use in UH Moodle.

For more information about the service break, please contact Moodle support services at ok-moodle (@)

Moodle service break on 2nd January 2014

Moodle is going to have a service break on Thursday the second of January 2014 from 10 am to 1 pm. The break may be over even sooner. During the service break Moodle will be unavailable. Please remember to schedule your working plans accordingly!

During the break Moodle will be updated. The list of new features published by the international Moodle community presents the most noticeable improvements for teachers and students. Note that at least badges will most likely not be taken to use in UH Moodle.

The change in the Urkund document process

There has made the change in processing the document in Urkund last week.
In the future, the documents will be automatic deleted Urkund after seven weeks from submitting.

Until now, the submitter has been able to choose to delete the document from Urkund reference material. This option has been available via web link in the confirmation receipt which submitter has received after sending or uploading the document.

However, the copyright holder has the right to decide on the use of the document as a reference material. By allowing the use of the document  the copyright defence will better because the other person is more difficult to use your work or parts of it in their own name. Save your work to the Urkund database in Moodle via the assignment submission text link “Save the document in Urkund” or by using the link provided in the email you receive after the report has been generated.

More information about Urkund and the use of the plagiarism detection system at the University of Helsinki at