Take a peek at the Moodle Advent Calendar!

The Moodle support team at the University of Helsinki has created a Moodle themed Advent Calendar that has tips, facts, and other Moodle related content.

The Advent calendar is created with the H5P activity in Moodle, and is available both in English and in Finnish:

Wishing you a nice holiday season,
The Moodle team
Educational technology services

User Survey on exporting grades from Moodle to Sisu

Grades from Moodle can be exported to Sisu in two ways: either using the direct Sisu export from the Grades view in Moodle, or exporting the grades in Excel format and using the SIMU-converter (see instructions).

Do you have experience in exporting grades from Moodle to Sisu? Please answer this short survey that takes ca. five minutes to fill out. The quiz results will influence further development of the grade export functionality.

The Quiz will be open until Friday 17th December.

Moodle Training in October: Basics, Quiz, Grades

Several Moodle Training sessions available in October. Sign up in Suffeli!

See here for all upcoming Moodle Trainings

And don’t forget The Teaching Cafe on Thursdays at 10 – 11 am and Sisu-orientations for teachers regarding assessment!

Moodle trainings in English

The Educational technology services is providing upcoming Moodle basics trainings in September and October.

In this training, the participants will learn about the Moodle learning platform’s basic use, including a tour of the functionalities available and how to navigate the system,  as well as a more in depth look at using assignment submissions, discussion boards, and publishing your teaching materials in Moodle for the course.

Welcome! Please find the registration link and meeting info in Flamma through the links below:

Thank you!

Moodle Trainings available

Detailed information and registration at Suffeli Learning (links above).

Also remember:

And don’t forget The Teaching Cafe on Thursdays at 10 – 11 am, see Flamma.


Order training

If there is no suitable training available at a time that works for you, please just email us at moodle@helsinki.fi and we can provide individual consultations and group trainings for you and your colleagues.