Category Archives: Yleinen

March 31, 2020

Today is the last day of the ERC Rationality in Perception project, which has run from 1.4.2015 to 31.3.2020. During these 5 years (60 months), the project has employed the PI and seven other researchers. A research project like this is a hard endeavour but the possibilities it grants to pursue a research idea are amazing. During these years, we did just that to the best of our abilities and we think that the field has been impacted. The topics of active perception, Augustinian philosophy of perception, and the role of reason in perception have moved from being marginal and rarely discussed to common features in scholarly volumes and academic meetings. Researchers in this project were not alone in doing research on these topics, but were certainly part of the conversation and active participants in it. To Annemieke, Anselm, Carla, Christian, Paolo, Tuomas, Vili, very many thanks, as well as to the participants in our events, the administration and leadership of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Helsinki, and especially the European Research Council (Executive Agency) and its project officer, Tatiana.

I conclude this last post with some last contributions by the project’s PI, just recently published or in press, as an indication that the work is still ongoing and that much remains to be said about Rationality in Perception.


I would also like to call your attention to the fact that Anselm Oelze’s Animal Rationality is now free to download as open access, which was made possible by the project’s funds. Please download it from the publisher’s site, here:

RiP Workshop: Programme and Schedule Changes

Please note that due to some last-minute cancellations, there are changes to the scheduled programme. The new programme is:


 Thu  December 12, 2019

13.00: Welcome Words

13.15-14.00: José Filipe Silva (Helsinki)Rationality in Perception: The framing of a research project

14.00-14.15: Coffee Break

14.15-15.15: Joël Biard (Tours)Temporality and small perceptions in the perceptual process (mid-                 fourteenth century) 

15.15-15.30 Coffee Break

15.30-16.30: Katja Krause (Berlin), Signum between Vision and Hearing in Select Medieval Parva naturalia Commentaries

16.30-16.45: Coffee Break

16.45-17.45: Peter King (Toronto)Perception Control Mechanisms


Fri  December 13, 2019

11.00-12.00: Jörg Tellkamp (Mexico City)Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas on human perception

12.00-14.00: Lunch (for Speakers only)

14.00-15.00: Charles Ehret (Paris)Miracles in Perception? Sensible and Eucharistic Species in Aquinas

15.00-15.15: Coffee Break

15.15-16.00: Fabrizio Amerini (Parma)Aquinas on Perception and Rationality

16.00-16.15: Coffee Break

16.15-17.15: Robert Pasnau (Boulder, Colorado)Choosing to Believe


Sat  December 14, 2019

10.00-11.00: Anna Tropia (Prague)Is cognition only active? Problems sources and discussion around  the De origine natura et immortalitate animae by Juan Maldonado

11.00-11.30: Coffee Break

11.30-12.30: Michael Stenskjær Christensen (Copenhagen)Between texts: Discovering connections with network tools and methods (via Skype)

12.30-13.15: Post-RiP: Roundtable on medieval epistemology and philosophy of mind (led by Tuomas Vaura (Helsinki)

Special Issue Out

The Special Issue of Vivarium on Assimilation and Representation in Medieval Theories of Cognition that published a selection of revised papers read at our 2017 Knowledge as Assimilation Conference (together with the Representation and Reality Research Project) is now out. The number includes articles by Mohan Matthen, Dominik Perler, Cecilia Trifogli, Ana Maria Mora Marquez, Jörn Müller, as well as a long introduction by José Filipe Silva and Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist. Check it out!

Reading Group Special Session

On December 13, the RiP reading group will have a special session with Mark Kalderon (UCL) on Plato on Colours.

Suggested reading is Timaeus 67c–68d and Katerina Ierodiakonou, ‘Plato’s theory of colours in the Timaeus’, Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy of Science (2):219–233, 2005.

This event will take place in Metsätalo, room 10, from 16:15 to 18.

All welcome!

LilleHel 2

Dans le cadre du séminaire “LillHel” 2018, organisé en collaboration entre l’UMR 8163, Lille, l’Université de Lille et l’Université d’Helsinki

Alain Lernould (Directeur UMR 8163 “STL”), Carla Di Martino (RiP Project – Université d’Helsinki) et Filipe Pereira da Silva (Directeur RiP Project – Université d’ Helsinki) ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la journée d’étude :

« Reason, intentionality and sensibility »
16 novembre 2018, 10h-18h, Lille, Maison de la Recherche, salle F0.13

10h-10h15, Alain Lernould (STL) : Ouverture

Président : Claudio Majolino (STL / Université de Lille)
10h15 – 11h15 : Filipe Pereira da Silva & Carla Di Martino : « Incidental Perception and the Unity of Perceptual Experience in Suarez »
11h15 – 11h30 : pause café
11h30-12h30 : Edouard Mehl (STL / Université de Lille) : « De l’ours blanc à la fille louche : réflexions sur l’idée du jugement primo intuitu et l’immédiateté de la perception chez Vitellion et Descartes ».

13h – 14h : Déjeuner à la Maison de la Recherche (Salle F0.42)

Président : Hélène Leblanc (ANR/FNS « Sêmainô » / Université de Genève)
14h – 15h : Jean Celeyrette (STL / Université de Lille) : « La polémique sur la possibilité d’appréhender la vérité des choses ».
15h – 16h : Annemieke Verboon (RiP Project – Université d’Helsinki) : « Why can animals not imagine unseen things? Imagination in Lambertus de Monte »
16h – 16h30: pause café
16h30 – 17h30 : Laurent Cesalli (ANR/FNS « Sêmainô » / Université de Genève): « Augustin à la rescousse : l’usage d’intentio sensus dans la sémantique propositionnelle de Gauthier Burley ».

LilleHel 1

Alain Lernould (Directeur UMR 8163 “STL”), Carla Di Martino (STL – ANR/FNS “Sêmainô” – “RiP” Project Helsinki) et Filipe Pereira da Silva (Directeur “RiP” Project Helsinki) ont le plaisir de vous inviter au séminaire LillHel, organisé en collaboration entre l’UMR 8163, Lille, l’Université de Lille et l’Université d’Helsinki.

Le séminaire LillHel 2018 porte sur « Reason, intentionality and sensibility »  et deux dates sont au programme:

12 octobre 2018, 14h-17h, Lille, STL, Petite salle des séminaires (B1.663)
14h-15h : Ouverture et présentations : Alain Lernould: présentation de l’équipe STL; Leone Gazziero : Présentation du projet ANR/FNS “Sêmainô”; Filipe Pereira Da Silva : Présentation du Projet “Rationality in Perception (“RiP”)”.

15h-15h30 : pause café
15h30 – 17h : Filipe Pereira da Silva: “Intentionality in Late Augustinism”

20h : Diner en ville (pour les externes : participation à ses frais sur inscription)