“Space Corridor” at Exactum now officially opened

The Space Corridor inauguration party was organised on Thursday afternoon.  This event was also a perfect way to welcome several new researchers who have recently joined the UH Space Physics team. The party organising committee  had planned fun activities for getting to know each other better. We also voted for the best door sign and brainstormed for a name for our conference room.

Getting to know each other.
Our meeting room was named “Koskinen’s Korner” to honour Hannu Koskinen, a long-time space physics professor at the University of Helsinki and space pioneer in Finland.
Party committee Matti, Erika and Eleanna

FORESAIL has set sail!

The kick-off meeting of the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Research of Sustainable Space was held at the Finnish Meteorological Institute and Helsinki-Tallinna cruise on 18-19 December.  UH Space Physics group leads the Observations and Modelling teams. We defined our detailed  research targets and discussed with the other teams the requirements for our FORESAIL nanosatellites.

Director of the centre Minna Palmroth opening the kick-off meeting
Jaan Praks tells how to build a satellite
Discussion continued after dinner

UH Space Physics team moves to Exactum

The UH Space Physics team has relocated from Physicum to Exactum. Although we were sad to leave our fellow physicists, it is great that we are now all working close to each other. Our new premises are on the fourth floor (B407 – B427). Welcome to check the new “space corridor”!

Space corridor at Exactum
New headquarters of the Vlasiator key developers team (Markus, Urs and Tiago)
Eleanna and Erkka hanging up solar wind posters

Finnish Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Space

Academy of Finland has selected 12 new Centres of Excellence. One of these, the Finnish Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Space, is led by professor Minna Palmroth from the UH Space Physics team. The centre aims at  sustainable utilisation of space by focusing on understanding the near-Earth radiation environment and solving the space debris problem with innovative new technologies. Minna is in charge of the modelling team and associate professor Emilia Kilpua, also from the UH Space Physics team, leads the Observations team. The project partners are University of Turku (proferssor Rami Vainio, instrument development), Aalto University (assistant professor Jaan Praks, building satellites and radiation protection) and Finnish Meteorological Institude (research manager Pekka Janhunen, plasma brake and electric sail technologies)

Read more details from the UH press release