In Essen, Germany, for work with the Scripts Group

I’m in Essen, Germany, at the University of Duisburg-Essen for a session with the Scripts Group – a group of scholars working on transatlantic narratives of cities, city cultures, and urban planning. Very much aligned with some of my work on applying methods from narrative and literary studies to urban planning. Fascinating array of research projects, sources and methods.

Topics include narratives of urban waterfront development, trivial pursuits in postindustrial environments, counter-discourses in cultural scenes, narratives of sustainable and climate-friendly rehabilitation, and more – and most projects with a transatlantic perspective, with focus on US cities and German post-industrial urban regions.

[Zollverein, Essen]

Thanks to prof. Jens Gurr and prof. Barbara Buchenau for the invitation and the warm reception – and for all their good work on the scripts group.


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