“Emplotting Urban Change” at the Annual Meeting of Finnish Geographers

Presenting a paper on Emplotting Urban Change: Turning Soft Knowledge into the Built Environment at the Annual Meeting of Finnish Geographers, University of Tampere, 29.10.2015.

The paper is part of a session on soft and hard planning, with Vesa Kanninen, Pia Bäcklund and Simin Davoudi.

Abstract below:

“This paper examines the importance of narrative concepts – emplotment, in particular – for the understanding of contemporary urban planning practices. Planning has increasingly been understood in terms of narrative, as a form of “persuasive story-telling” (Throghmorton 1996). Drawing on narrative and literary theory, however, has been rare in planning theory to date. Narrative emplotment (White 1981) can
provide an analytical framework with which to analyze planning narratives and rhetorics, and the dialogue between planning narratives and stories told by local stakeholders. One of the key arguments made is that narrative theory may constitute a key to examine and adapt cities’ and citizens’ soft knowledge, which is largely encoded in sets of stories (including literature, media narratives, biographies).”

Tainaron: Translation in Dutch out!

Leena Krohn’s Tainaron, one of the most fascinating modern classics in Finnish literature, has appeared for the first time in Dutch translation.


It’s an intriguing novel-as-collection-of-letters, reminiscent of Calvino’s Invisible Cities (and of Auster’s In the Country of Last Things). Rooted in utopian literature, the epistolary novel, and classics from entomology / insect studies, this book is an intriguing reflection on questions of humanity itself, and an excellent introduction into the work of Leena Krohn.

I wrote the epilogue (in Dutch), which can be found here.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the novel is the way in which it envisions an urban environment that is (at times) recognizably Helsinki, but that simultaneously blurs into a variety of overlaying, palimpsestic layers of meaning in which past and future, the realm of death and the realm of dreams, intersect.

The translation of Tainaron in English can be found at Krohn’s website, here.

Sybaris and Other Homes (1869) and the appeal of utopian suburbia

Looking forward to the 5th HLCN symposium, where I’ll present on Edward E. Hale’s Sybaris and Other Homes (1869) and the appeal of utopian suburbia. Other presentations by Jason Finch and Anni Lappela, and readings in urban cultural studies and literary geographies.

Full program below:

5th HLCN symposium, 13.10.2015

University of Tampere
Time and place: 11h-16h
B4075 (English corridor) from 11 to 14
B3112 (by the main stairs, 3rd floor) from 14 to 16.
Pinni B / Kanslerinrinne 1 / University of Tampere

11.00-12.00     Literary Second Cities editorial board meeting (closed)
12.00-13.00    Network meeting: developments in HLCN, possible name change, tasks ahead (open, registration required)
13.00 -14.00    Lunch break

14.00-15.00    Presentations
Anni Lappela (University of Helsinki): “Provincial City and Local, National and Transnational Identities in Russian Realistic Prose Fiction in the  2000s.” Research Plan Presentation.
Jason Finch (Åbo Akademi University): “Everyday Stories: Textual and Visual Cultures of Public Housing in Post-Slum Britain, 1920-2020”
Lieven Ameel (University of Tampere): “Edward E. Hale’s Sybaris and Other Homes (1869) and the appeal of utopian suburbia.”

15.00-16.00    Theory Reading
•    Fraser, Benjamin 2015: “Urban cultural studies – a manifesto (Part 1)” Journal for Urban Cultural Studies 2014: 1, pp. 3-17(15).
•    Neal Alexander: “On Literary Geographies.” Available at: http://www.literarygeographies.net/index.php/LitGeogs/article/view/1-2.

The general meeting at 12.00 will include a discussion about the statutes (see the provisional statutes here.)

Narrative and Planning – Special Issue of Articulo “Tales of the City”

As readers of this blog know, I’ve been working for some time now on narratives in city planning, and storytelling as a concept for understanding layers of meaning in the city, as well as the rhetorics underlying urban development.

In planning theory and urban studies, a range of scholars are working with these issues, but the efforts are somewhat scattered -narrative theory in planning or urban studies is anything but an established field of study, and there are various assumptions of what this discipline should be about – discourse analysis? poetics of architecture? participatory planning? urban history?

Nevertheless, it would seem that this field of study is gathering steam and critical mass – and I hope my own work, as well as the work done at the Helsinki Literature and the City Network, the Ghent Urban Studies Team, and other groups, will contribute to this growth in depth and latitude.

New publications dealing with these issues give evidence of the richness of this burgeoning discipline – the latest I came across being “Tales of the City“, a special issue of the journal Articulo.


Strangely enough, and regardless of the journal’s title, the introduction does not explicitly refer to Ruth Finnegan’s seminal “Tales of the City”, which certainly should act as one possible point of departure of any study dealing with narratives in urban planning.

The intro, by Christophe Mager and Laurent Matthey, would seem to understand urban narratives first of all as the production of rhetorics in city planning, something aloof from the actual built environment – dealing, in other words, with an “urbanism that tends to substitute narrative production for real production of cities and territory” (Mager & Matthey 2015). The result may, intriguingly, in their point of view be a democratic deficit:

”storytelling is supposed to have led democratic communication off track through a pronounced concern for a good story, storytelling applied to the field of urban production may have led to an increasing preoccupation with staging and showmanship in projects to the detriment of their real inclusion in political debate” (Mager & Matthey 2015).

My own point of view of how narrative permeates current urban planning is quite different – of course, some of the narrative activities is primarily bound up with rhetorics, grand visions, the “good story”, marketing and branding newspeech, as separated from the drudgery of actual planning practices. But those planning practices are also informed by continuous processes of storytelling, and they are very much part and parcel of the “real production of cities and territory”, as Throgmorton, Van Hulst, and others have shown.

Reading “Tales of the City”, I can’t help but think that there continues to be a need for a narrative theory that distinguish between the various kinds of naratives used in the context of urban planning (cf. my 2014 article in the Finnish Journal for Urban Studies).

To be continued.

(Em)plotting planning at ISUF 2015 – City as Organism

This week, Rome hosts the 22nd ISUF conference, with as title “City as Organism – New visions for urban life”. I’m not entirely sure what to expect from the wide range of interesting-looking papers that relate in broad terms to the issue of urban form and morphology – urban morphology as a separate field of study being somewhat of a mystery to me. But I’m very much looking forward to being inspired at La Sapienza by the conference’s academic input, as much as by that city that defies words as much as it inspired them. Reminds me of the fact that even the saints Jerome and Augustine confessed to have been “allured and teased by sensuous images of Rome” (Mumford 1961: 246).

I’ll be presenting my research on (em)plotting urban planning on Wednesday.

“Narrating Helsinkis Kalasatama – Narrative Plotting, Genre and Metaphor in Planning New Urban Morphologies”.

Full programme here.

My last experience of Rome was watching La Grande Bellezza – I wrote a small piece of the way it depicts the “vortex” of urban life here.

I’ll try to get hold of some novels (hopefully in English translation) by the Neapolitan author Raffaele La Capria, who acted as one of the inspirations for the figure of Jep Gambardella in La Grande Bellezza.

New Spatial Humanities

Fascinating series at Indiana University Press: The Spatial Humanities.

“The spatial humanities is a new interdisciplinary field resulting from the recent surge of scholarly interest in space. It prospects a ground upon which humanities scholars can collaborate with investigators engaged in scientific and quantitatively-oriented research. This spatial turn invites an initiative focused on geographic and conceptual space and is poised to exploit an assortment of technologies, especially in the area of the digital humanities. Framed by perspectives drawn from Geographic Information Science, and attentive to cutting-edge developments in data mining, the geo-semantic Web, and the visual display of cultural data, the agenda of the spatial humanities includes the pursuit of theory, methods, case studies, applied technology, broad narratives, persuasive strategies, and the bridging of research fields.

Seems the “spatial turn” has not run out of steam, indeed.

The series fits in particularly well within the larger conglomeration of publications working with space and the humanities, such as Palgrave’s series on Geocriticism and Spatial Literary Studies and recently appeared journals such as Literary Geographies and Cultural Urban Studies. Exciting to be part of a dynamic and multidisciplinary field of study!

Update: and just as I ponder the return of the spatial turn, I bump into this:

cfp for the “spatial turn/return” at the ACLA, Harvard, 17-20.3.2016.

“With the theme “Spatial Turn/Return,” we hope to explore space in its multiple, simultaneous, and plural manifestations–histories of practices and encounters of/with/in space and the theoretical and aesthetic articulations, disillusioned and empowering, that are constructed and mobilized around space. We also welcome papers that explore the many ways in which works of literature and popular culture reflect changing perceptions and definitions of space.”

Emplotment in Planning – Re-City, Tampere 3-4.9.2015

Today and tomorrow Re-City – the First International City Regeneration Congress – at Tampere, Finland.

I’ll be speaking on the subject of Emplotment in Planning in the context of Helsinki’s waterfront development – abstract below:

Emplotting Urban Regeneration: Narrative Strategies in the case of Kalasatama, Helsinki

Recent decades have seen an increasing interest in the fundamentally narrative and rhetorical structure of urban planning. Urban districts take shape based on words as much as on concrete. Narrative elements such as rhetorical figures, storylines and plot structures are relevant not only for the way in which a particular planned area is presented to the general public or framed within local policy discourse, but also for the way in which larger visions of an urban future translate into concrete developments within the built environment.

This paper will examine the planning of Kalasatama (Helsinki), an ongoing case of urban regeneration, by applying methods and concepts from narrative and literary theory to the analysis of planning documents, marketing, and media narratives. A key concern will be the manner in which planning documents “emplot” a new area, both literally singling out an area within a geographical setting, and framing the development within a “plot”, a story with a specific dynamics and morality. Character, plot and metaphor will constitute the key narrative concepts. This paper will draw on the burgeoning field of narrative planning theory, with the specific aim to make concepts from narrative and literary theory more compatible with existing theoretical frameworks from planning theory.

Narratives of Smart Kalasatama

Timely: new website of fiksukalasatama online now – “Smart Kalasatama” is a key project in Helsinki’s drive towards smart city districts .

I’ll be presenting on narratives of Kalasatama during next week’s ReCity conference in Tampere, Finland – disclaimer: I’m not investigating the smart city narrative so much as some of the other methods of narrative emplotment in the development of Helsinki’s waterfront.

Turku, Bristol, Harare, Leningrad, Trieste…

Turku in Finnish literature, Bristol in 18th century poetry, Mexico City in Novels and Maps; Harare, Birmingham, Leningrad, Stargorod, Diyarbakir, Dublin, Trieste, Tartu, and a host of other literary second cities at the Literary Second Cities conference in Turku (20-21.8.2015)! Looking forward to what promises to be an exciting exploration of shadow cities of sorts…

Welcome to the 2nd international conference of the HLCN!

And a reminder that the volume Literature and the Peripheral City (Palgrave), based on our previous conference in Helsinki, 2013 is available for sale.

Dystopia and Utopia in Urban Planning and Fictional Narratives

Speaking today at the Urban Studies days in Tampere on the subject of dystopia and utopia in urban planning and fictional narratives. Presenting work on my examination of planning in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki.


Abstract (in Finnish) below:

Utopistisia ja dystopisia kertomuksia Helsingin Jätkäsaaresta – Tulevaisuusvisioiden retoriikka kirjallisuudessa ja kaupunkisuunnittelun julkaisuissa

Lieven Ameel, Helsingin ylipisto

Missä määrin fiktiivisen maailman tulevaisuusvaihtoehdot kommentoivat tai ohjaavat todellisen maailman tulevaisuusvisioiden suotavuutta? Tarkastelen tätä kysymystä keskittymällä Helsingin Jätkäsaaren suunnitteluun liitettyihin kertomuksiin. Lähtöpisteenä toimii Hannu Mäkelän historiallinen romaani Hyvä jätkä (2009), teos, joka on luotu Helsingin kaupungin tilaustyönä. Romaanissa esitetään 1900-luvun alun Jätkäsaaresta vaihtoehtoisia tulevaisuuksia, jotka on eksplisiittisesti suunnattu 2000-luvun alun kaupunkilaisille. Alueen tulevaisuusnäkemys näyttää Hyvässä jätkässä ainakin osittain tukevan viraston visiota alueesta. Antti Tuomaisen lähitulevaisuuden Helsinkiä kuvaavassa Parantajassa (2012) kaupunkisuunnitteluviraston visioimat futuristiset kaupunkiosat on jo rakennettu, mutta myös jo raunioitumassa. Kalasataman tornitalot palavat, Jätkäsaari autioituu. Molemmat kaunokirjalliset teokset rakentavat merkityksensä suunnitteluviraston tulevaisuusnäkymien varaan. Esitelmässäni tarkastelen näissä kahdessa teoksessa esitettyjen Jätkäsaaren tulevaisuusvisioiden suhdetta 2000-vaihteen Helsinkiin ja suunnitteluviraston suunnitelmiin. Esitän, että myös kaupunkisuunnitteluviraston julkaisut samasta alueesta tukeutuvat kerronnalliseen dynamiikkaan, jossa mahdollisten maailmojen välinen vuoropuhelu ohjaa lukijaa. Tutkimukseni liittyy laajemmin kaupunkisuunnittelun kerronnalliseen käänteeseen, jossa kaupunkisuunnittelun prosesseja ja dokumentteja käsitellään tarinan kertomisena, ja jossa niitä tutkitaan retoriikan ja kerronnallisuuden tutkimusta hyödyntäen.