Adobe Connect luento-opetuksessa -koulutus

A close-up of the AC system

Aika: Maanantaina 25.5. klo 12.30 – 14.30
Paikka: Atk-luokka 170, Infotalo Korona (Viikinkaari 11)

Etäosallistujia luennoille, luennot kertausmateriaaliksi opiskelijoille? Välitä luentojesi reaaliaikaisesti verkossa ja / tai tallenna luentosi myöhempää käyttöä varten.

Tilaisuudessa tutustutaan verkkoluentoon opiskelijan roolissa, harjoitellaan oman Adobe Connect-tilan valmistelua luentokäyttöön, käydään läpi hyviä käytäntöjä luentotilanteeseen liittyen ja tarvittavat valmistelut luentosalissa.

Ilmoittautuminen Henkassa (tai s-postitse: tai Mukaan mahtuu 16 osallistujaa ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä. Vetäjinä Viikin verkko-opetuksen tukihenkilöt.

Pedalehtoreiden ja YTY:n Tutkimusseminaari 18.3.2015

HY__harmaaPaikka: Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta, Siltavuorenpenger 3 A (Athena rakennus), sali 169


9.15 -10.00 Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen, Juha Taina ja Esa Vesalainen: Peruskoulun seitsemäsluokkalaisten matematiikkakilpailujen satoa – voidaanko kilpailun tuloksilla ennustaa tulevien matematiikan opiskelijoiden lähtötasoa? 10.00 -10.45 Anne Haarala-Muhonen: Does law students’ first year study success and approaches to learning predict completion of degrees? (Esitys pidetään suomen kielellä)

10.45 -11.00 Tauko

11.00 -11.45 Markus Mattsson: Kyselyaineiston verkostoanalyysi

11.45-12.30 LOUNAS

12.30- 13.15 Seppo Hiltunen: ADHD ja tarkkaavuus: terapialla, hypnoosilla ja harjoittelulla vaikuttaminen

13.15 -14.00 Minna Lakkala: Pedagogiset käytännöt kansainvälisillä lyhytkursseilla – Helsinki Summer Schoolin vuoden 2014 kurssien arviointi

Ilmoittautuminen seminaariin 16.3.2015 mennessä:

Seminaariin ovat lämpimästi tervetulleita kaikki yliopistopedagogiikasta kiinnostuneet – tervetuloa!


ViikkiLearns logoTervetuloa “ViikkiLearns – oppimisteorioista käytäntöön” –symposiumiin!

Hyvät opetushenkilökuntaan kuuluvat ja muuten opetuksesta ja oppimisesta kiinnostuneet viikkiläiset. Viikin kampuksen tiedekunnat järjestävät 4.3.2015 yhteisen “ViikkiLearns – oppimisteorioista käytäntöön” symposiumin, jonka tarkoituksena on jakaa innovatiivisia ja ajatuksia herättäviä kokemuksia kampuksen oppimiseen ja opetukseen liittyen sekä tuoda esiin kampuksella tehtyä pedagogista tutkimusta. Symposiumissa esiintyvät Viikin kampuksen inspiroivat opettajat sekä pedagogiset asiantuntijat.

Seminaariin osallistuminen on ilmaista. Ilmoittauduthan verkkolomakkeella 13.2.2015 mennessä, niin varmistat, että sinua kiinnostava työpaja järjestetään.


We are pleased to invite you to our Symposium “ViikkiLearns – From learning theories to practice” 4th of March 2015.

The purpose of this symposium is to share innovative and thought-provoking learning and teaching experiences and pedagogical research from teachers combining different faculties of Viikki campus. This symposium has been put together in corporation of the Faculties in the Viikki Campus to bring together all the teaching staff and other staff who are interested in learning and teaching.

The seminar is free of charge. Please register 13 February at the latest. When registered in time, you secure that the workshops you are interested in are going to actualise:

Further info:

Tilakysely 2014 / Survey of teaching facilities 2014

Videoviestinnän käyttö opetuksessa kiinnostaa – opetustiloilta toivotaan joustavuutta 

Loppuvuodesta 2014 Viikin kampuksen opettajille ja opiskelijoille lähetettiin kysely koskien kampuksen opetus- ja opiskelutiloja. Kyselyyn vastasi 51 opettajaa ja 77 opiskelijaa.

Videoviestinnän käytölle opetuksessa eri muodoissaan oli kiinnostusta: käyttötavoista suosituin oli lähiopetuksen tallentaminen myöhempää katselua varten. Videoviestintää jossain muodossa opetuksessaan käyttää tai haluaisi käyttää 88 % vastanneista. Vuorovaikutuksellisuuden puute ja opetustilojen soveltuvuus huolestuttivat vastaajia. Kampuksella olisi tarvetta erikokoisille opetustiloille, joissa videoviestintävarustus olisi valmiina, kuten suurempi videoneuvottelutila ja luentotallennuksen mahdollistava luentosali.

Opetustilojen kaikissa kokoluokissa toivottiin olevan pienryhmätyöskentelyyn sopivia ja muokattavissa eri käyttötarkoituksiin. Nykyisiin opetustiloihin toivottiin uusia datatykkejä, lisää pistorasioita ja parempaa langattoman verkon kantavuutta.

Opiskelijat toivoivat enemmän tiloja pienryhmätyöskentelyä varten ja hiljaisia lukusoppeja. Yhteiskäyttöisiä tietokoneita toivottiin enemmän ympäri kampusta. Myös opetustilojen ulkopuolelle toivottiin lisää pistorasioita ja toimivaa langatonta verkkoa omien laitteiden käyttöä varten.

Kyselyn tuloksia hyödynnetään opettajille suunnatun koulutuksen toteuttamisessa ja perusteena oppimisympäristöjen kehittämisessä.

Lue lisää: raportti Opetustilakyselystä Viikin opettajille ja opiskelijoille.

Growing interest in using video for teaching – demand for flexible study facilities

At the end of 2014, 77 students and 51 teachers at the Viikki campus replied to a survey regarding the teaching and learning facilities.

Teachers were interested in using video communication in their courses: the most popular use case was to record an actual teaching event for later use. 88 % of the teachers have used or would like to use video communication in some form. Lack of interaction and unsuitable teaching facilities raised some concerns. On the campus, there is a demand for teaching facilities of variable sizes set up for video communication, such as a larger video conferencing room and a lecture hall for recording lectures.

Regardless of their size, teaching facilities should be suitable for working in small groups and modifiable for different purposes. New data projectors, more power outlets and better Wifi were on the wish list for the current facilities.

Students asked for more spaces for studying in small groups and quiet spaces for reading, as well as more computers around the campus. Power outlets and Wifi are demanded by students in order to use their own devices outside the teaching facilities.

The results of the survey are used for planning training for teachers and as a basis for designing teaching facilities.

Read more: report of the survey (in Finnish).


Hybrid lectures – case Basics in Chemistry, fall 2014

Case example: Basics in Chemistry

In the second Viklo Café this fall, university lecturer Seppo Lindroos and course assistant Miia Mäntymäki shared their experiences from their course Basics in Chemistry, which blended traditional lectures with distance learning. In addition to the lectures, the course included walk-throughs of home exercises. The “hybrid” dimension was added as the teaching was streamed through the web conference system Adobe Connect (AC), so as to allow the around 20 students from the Lahti campus to participate remotely. In addition, the lectures were recorded and the course participants could watch the recordings online.

Hybrid lecture in Viikki

Hybrid lecturing in Viikki

A room for the students to follow the lecture from a desktop computer was arranged at the Lahti campus. The remote participants could send chat messages to the lecturer through a chat window in AC. In practice, around 200 students participated in Viikki, and a handful in Lahti. Anyone on the course could follow the streamed lecture from their own device through AC, and ten to twenty students used this option on each lecture.

A close-up of the AC system

A close-up of the AC system

Need for hybrid lectures

A practical demand for hybrid lectures stems partly from the aim to reduce facility costs by the means of distributed learning environments. This tendency, understandably, raises concerns. For example, how to make sure that the mediated form of learning does not compromise the expectations of interaction between the teacher and the students? On the other hand, it could be taken as a chance to think anew the environments of learning and teaching. Hybrid lectures could support more flexible learning, such as increased possibilities to “flip” the classroom ( to increase the interaction between the teachers and the students by dedicating classroom time to solving practical problems. The course materials, for their part, are learned outside the classroom: for example through recorded lectures. To take advantage of these possibilities, we hope that sharing our experiences below will encourage and help teachers to organize hybrid lectures, and steer the designers of teaching facilities to accommodate them.

The technical setup for the case example hybrid lectures:

  • a web conference system, e.g. Adobe Connect (supported by the University of Helsinki). Other options include Skype, Google hangout.
  • a computer equipped with an internal microphone and camera, or, a microphone-camera set can be borrowed from us e-learning specialists. Its pick-up range is quite limited (2 meters), so the lecturer needs to move it according to their own position.
  • to connect the document camera to the desktop computer:
  • the content you want to share through AC, e.g. slides. Almost anything from your computer desktop can be shared – except sound, but videos can be uploaded to AC to show them to the remote participants.
  • site to share the links to your AC room and recordings, e.g. Moodle or Matskut
Experiences Future directions
The lecturers were surprised that the technical side worked smoothly. Only once the Lahti side had their net connections down, but that did not concern only the AC environment. The students appreciated that the recordings were available afterwards. Checking that the minimum requirements for AC (Flash player, for example) on the desktop computer in the classroom are up-to-date and that a maintenance break is not scheduled to overlap your lecture. This can be checked from the front page of the AC support blog
Document camera synced ok with AC. Changing the view from the slides to the document camera, however, took an excessive amount of time. Being in the “Share desktop” view in AC (everything on the computer desktop is shared through AC) also when showing the slides could be an option to smoothen this out at least a bit.
Interaction between the lecturer through the chat window was challenging according to both the lecturer and the remote participants. Especially, the remote students’ current level of knowledge was difficult to communicate and assess. Pre-tests and tests during the course in Moodle, and instructions for learning the prerequisite skills. A time slot could be allocated for communication with remote students. Possibly also a separate tablet, laptop or phone for the lecturer to check the comments from AC without changing the view on the big screen in the lecture hall.
The remote students found the physical space inappropriate for following the lecture. Equipment, such as speakers, screen or personal computers at the remote site
Exercise walkthrough with AC and a document camera

Exercise walk-through with AC and a document camera

The amount of hybrid lectures will most probably increase in the future, as more and more courses are shared for example with the Lahti campus. This would demand an open and flexible, ready-to-go system of streaming and recording video lectures, as well as smooth integration of devices, including desktop cameras, throwable microphones, with the computers that the web conference system runs on.

We e-learning specialists at the Viikki campus are happy to arrange the equipment and help in designing your course that would include both remote and participants. This could be the case if the space is too small to accommodate the participants, the schedule does not allow everyone to participate simultaneously, the course is not held every year, etc. Please send any questions my way (, 040-759 3911).