Survey Results on Postal Voting Published

Some of the results on the voting method and postal voting questions in the FACE survey are published as a part of the Finnish National Election Study 2019 (in Finnish).

The chapter 14 ”Kotini on vaalikoppini: joustavien äänestysmuotojen merkitys yhdenvertaiselle poliittiselle osallistumiselle” by Johanna Peltoniemi, Marjukka Weide & Hanna Wass for instance reveals that women are more inclined to use the postal voting method than men, and that the likelihood of postal voting is strongly related to the distance between an elector’s home and the polling station. The likelihood of postal voting is 20-fold for those living more than 200 km away from the polling station compared to those living at a less than 10 km distance. The chapter also includes a thematic analysis of written responses on postal voting submitted through the survey, identifying various timing related issues and the requirement of witnesses as the most commonly commented problems of postal voting.

A short presentation of the main points can be read here (in Finnish):

FACE Project Manager Johanna Peltoniemi was interviewed by SSS-Radio (Tallin, Estonia) about the results:

Publication reference:

Borg, Sami; Kestilä-Kekkonen, Elina; Wass, Hanna (Eds.) 2020. Politiikan ilmastonmuutos. Eduskuntavaalitutkimus 2019. Oikeusministeriön julkaisuja, Selvityksiä ja ohjeita 2020:5. Helsinki: Oikeusministeriö.

The publication (in Finnish) can be downloaded as a pdf at: