Welcome to Helsinki Summer School!








Helsinki Summer School (HSS) is a three-week academic event in every August organized by University of Helsinki, Aalto University and Hanken School of Economics. This year HSS is organized in August 6 to 22 and our course offering includes all together 17  fully credited courses covering a wide range of academic fields – from Cognitive Neuroscience to The Welfare City and from Politics of Nations to Representation of Curves and Surfaces. Continue reading “Welcome to Helsinki Summer School!”

International Master’s Degree Programmes – SHOWROOM @ THINK CORNER

Are you studying at the University of Helsinki as an exchange or a visiting student at the moment?

Do you feel that the top ranked university of ours feels like home? The first-rate facilities and services are the best you know? And the research and teaching infrastructures work like a charm in your opinion? Well, if you said yes, you definitely need to explore your opportunities to continue your studies with us.

SHOWROOM is a student fair which brings together International Master’s Degree Programmes. You have now the opportunity to find out more and ask questions from teachers, coordinators and students. Also you will get first-hand information how to apply to our international master’s degree programmes. WELCOME! Please, check out the event!

Best regards, University of Helsinki Admissions Services

Culture Shock or Not?

A gathering for international students and Finnish students interested in foreign exchange.

The aim of this gathering is to help international students in adapting to a foreign culture and help them find a place in their new surrounding, increase one’s self-awareness, get to know new people and have fun. There is only room for 15 people. So, sign up soon!

Time: Mondays 8 April – 13 May at 4-6 pm (16.00-18.00)
Place: Uusi ylioppilastalo (the New Student House), Mannerheimintie 5
B, room Cajsa, 4th floor

Organiser: The university chaplains of Helsinki congregations
Sign up by 3 April: laura.mantyla@evl.fi or minna.tuominen@evl.fi

Additional information: University chaplains
reverend Laura Mäntylä laura.mantyla@evl.fi, 0923402607
reverend Minna Tuominen minna.tuominen@evl.fi, 0923402606

University of Helsinki Career Services offers career skills training during spring semester 2013

What is career planning? How do I market my knowledge and skills? What are the building blocks of a good job application or a CV? How to be successful at a job interview?

University of Helsinki Career Services offers career skills training during spring semester 2013 at the Centre Campus. Training sessions are open for all the University of Helsinki degree students and staff. The course language is English. Continue reading “University of Helsinki Career Services offers career skills training during spring semester 2013”

Put on your winter woollies and make the most of the winter!

Gretchen Rapasky gives us some good advice how to embrace the wintertime in Finland.
Gretchen Repasky is looking forward to her fourth winter in Finland. She encourages everyone to get outside and embrace and enjoy the wintertime.
“Avoid sitting inside waiting for summer. It will be a long time coming!” says Gretchen Repasky. Originally from Alabama, USA, Repasky was used to winter temperatures before moving to Finland, but her first winter in Finland in 2010 still proved a memorable experience. It was the coldest winter in ages, with record amounts of snow.

“The most surprising thing to me was the excitement shown by most people to the snowy winter and the numbers of people outside all winter long. The snow provided a great environment for fun outdoor play,” Repasky reminisces. Continue reading “Put on your winter woollies and make the most of the winter!”

Academic action network promotes entrepreneurial mindset at University of Helsinki

The social world around you needs improvement. Something should be done about climate change. The elderly need to be taken better care of. There is something strange in the neighborhood, but who are you going to call?

Tieteestä toimintaa (‘academic action’) network gathers people who want to create more academic entrepreneurship. Network opens new doors for different projects and start-ups. Organizer Outi Kuittinen from think tank DEMOS HELSINKI shares her insights and experiences on Academic action -network. Continue reading “Academic action network promotes entrepreneurial mindset at University of Helsinki”

Introducing Helsinki, Finland: Let’s ski!

In case you didn’t know, cross-country skiing is one of the most popular sport activity in Finland. The winter months are an ideal time to enjoy the beauty of its snowy landscapes -and what is the best thing; you don’t have to go to the countryside or Lapland to explore the nature. We have great cross-country skiing routes in Helsinki too.

Don’t know how to ski?
No worries, that’s easy to learn – with the support of the Finnish friend, you are a pro in no time.

Don’t have the right equipment?
That’s ok too. You can rent the skies from Unisport ski rental services from Viikki campus. Read the details from here!


Meet our students! Feeling part of an academic community

Olsi Dudumi is studying in the Master’s Degree Programme in Ethnic Relations, Cultural Diversity and Integration (ERI).

The day I got the email letting me know I was accepted at the Ethnic Relations, Cultural Diversity and Integration Master’s programme (ERI) was one of the happiest days of my life. Soon however, anxiety about a new move in my life kicked in. Four years earlier I had made my first move when I left Albania to pursue my Bachelor studies at the University of Malta. I loved to travel and experience new things, but the move to the North was going to be a different one. Continue reading “Meet our students! Feeling part of an academic community”