Julkaisuja / Publications

Hankkeen julkaisuja / Our publications stemming from the project:


Risbøl, O., Langhammer, D., Schlosser Mauritsen, E. & Seitsonen, O. 2020. Nordic LiDAR – employment, utilization and development of airborne laser scanning in Fenno-Scandinavian archaeology. Remote Sensing 12(1411).

Seitsonen, O., Ylimaunu, T. & Mullins, P. 2020. Public Memory, National Heritage, and Memorialization of the 1918 Finnish Civil War. World Archaeology.

Herva, V.-P. & Seitsonen, O. 2020. The haunting and blessing of Kankiniemi: coping with the ghosts of the Second World War in northernmost Finland.  Äikäs, T. & Lipkin, S. (eds.) Entangled beliefs and rituals (in press).

Seitsonen, O. & Moshenska, G. 2020. Who owns the ‘Wilderness’? Indigenous Second World War Landscapes in Sápmi, Finnish Lapland. Saunders, N. & Cornish, P. (toim.): Conflict Landscapes: Materiality and Meaning in Contested Places. Routledge.

Stichelbaut, B., Thomas, S., Seitsonen, O., Gheyle, W., De Mulder, G., Hemminki, V. & Plets, G. 2020. Operation Northern Light: a remote sensing approach to Second World War Conflict archaeology in Northern Finland (Kilpisjärvi, Enontekiö). Teoksessa Nicholas Saunders & Paul Cornish (toim.): Conflict Landscapes: Materiality and Meaning in Contested Places. Routledge.


Seitsonen, O. 2019. Transnationally Forgotten and Re-remembered: Second World War Soviet Mass Graves at Mäntyvaara, Eastern Finnish Lapland. Koskinen-Koivisto, E., Saramo, S. & Snellman, H. (eds.) Transnational Death (Studia Fennica Ethnologica 17, Finnish Literature Society), 178–199.

Koskinen-Koivisto, E. & Seitsonen, O. 2019. Landscapes of loss and destruction: Sámi Elders’ Childhood Memories of the Second World War. Ethnologia Europaea 49(1): 24-40.

Thomas, S., Herva, V.-P., Koskinen-Koivisto, E. & Seitsonen, O. 2019. Dark Heritage. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology: 1–11.

Seitsonen, O., Koponen, T. & Herva, V.-P. 2019. “Lapland’s Roadway”: German photography and experience of the European far North in the Second World War. Photography and Culture 12.

Seitsonen, O., Herva, V.-P. & Kunnari M. 2018. Abandoned refugee vehicles “in the middle of nowhere”: reflections on the global refugee crisis from the northern margins of Europe (reprint). Y. Hamilakis (ed.) The New Nomadic Age. Archaeologies of Forced and Undocumented Migration: 139–155 (Equinox: Sheffield, Bristol).

Thomas, S. 2019. Doing public participatory archaeology with “difficult” conflict heritage: Experiences from Finnish Lapland and the Scottish Highlands. European Journal of Post Classical Archaeologies 9: 147-167.

Thomas, S., Koskinen-Koivisto, E., & Hekkurainen, M. 2019. Sind wir noch Freunde? Displaying the Difficult History of the German presence in Finnish Lapland, 1941-1944. In Ziemer, A. (ed) Difficult Issues: Proceedings of the ICOM international conference 2017. Heidelberg: University of Heidelberg, 154-165

Thomas, S. 2019. Locals, Incomers, Tourists and Gold Diggers: Space, Politics, and the “Dark Heritage” Legacy of the Second World War in Finnish Lapland. In T. Lähdesmäki, S. Thomas, & Y. Zhu (eds) Politics of Scale: New Approaches to Critical Heritage Studies. New York: Berghahn Books, 113-125.


Koponen, T., Seitsonen, O. & Koskinen-Koivisto, E. 2018. ”Das ist Suomi”: Photographic representation of Finland for a German audience during the Second World War. Ennen ja nyt 4/2018: 1‑30.

Seitsonen, O., Hekkurainen, M., Koskinen-Koivisto, E. & Thomas, S. 2018. ”Voiko natsia rakastaa?”: Lapin Maakuntamuseon Wir waren Freunde – Olimme ystäviä -näyttelyprosessi esimerkkinä vaikeasta kulttuuriperinnöstä. Suomen Museo 2018.

Seitsonen O. 2018. Lectio praecursoria: Digging the material remains of Hitler’s arctic war. Muinaistutkija 2/2018.

Seitsonen O. 2018. Digging Hitler’s Arctic War: Archaeologies and Heritage of the Second World War German Military Presence in Finnish Lapland. Lectio precursoria 2.3.2018. Ennen ja nyt. Historian tietosanomat 2/2018 (online 22.5.2018)

Seitsonen O. 2018. Digging Hitler’s Arctic War: Archaeologies and Heritage of the Second World War German Military Presence in Finnish Lapland (213 pp.). Unigrafia: Helsinki.

Seitsonen O. 2018. Lappeenrannan Huhtiniemi ja fotogrammetrinen dokumentointi: Ten Years After. Muinaistutkija 1/2018: 5562.

Thomas, S. 2018. Lapland’s Dark Heritage. Interpretation Journal 23(1): 25-28.

Thomas, S., & Banks, I. 2018. Asset, Burden, Cultybraggan. Community Site Ownership in a Scottish Village.Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage https://doi.org/10.1080/20518196.2018.1548223


Seitsonen, O.,  Herva, V.-P., Nordqvist, K., Herva, A. & Seitsonen, S. 2017. A military camp in the middle of nowhere: mobilities, dislocation and the archaeology of a Second World War German military base in Finnish Lapland. Journal of Conflict Archaeology 12 (online first) https://doi.org/10.1080/15740773.2017.1389496

Seitsonen, O. & Koskinen-Koivisto, E. (2017). “Where the F… is Vuotso”: Heritage of Second World War forced movement and destruction in a Sámi reindeer herding community in Finnish Lapland. International Journal of Heritage Studies (online first). http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13527258.2017.1378903

Banks, I., Koskinen-Koivisto, E. & Seitsonen, O. 2017. Public Engagements with Lapland’s Dark Heritage: Community Archaeology in Finnish Lapland. Approved to Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage (online first). https://doi.org/10.1080/20518196.2017.1383672

Seitsonen, O. & Herva, V.-P. 2017. ‘War Junk’ and Cultural Heritage: Viewpoints on the Second World War German Material Culture in Finnish Lapland. In Benfer, A.K. (ed.), War & Peace: Conflict and Resolution in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Chacmool Archaeology Conference. Chacmool Archaeology Association, University of Calgary. https://prism.ucalgary.ca/handle/1880/52231

Hekkurainen, M. 2017. #InariDig. Kuriositeettikabinetti 1/2017.

Hekkurainen, M. 2017. Lapin synkkä kulttuuriperintö. Hankala ja haudattu Lapin sota. Napakaira 2017.

Koskinen-Koivisto, E., & S. Thomas (2017) Lapland’s Dark Heritage: Responses to the Legacy of World War II, in H. Silverman, E. Waterton & S. Watson (eds) Heritage in Action: Making the Past in the Present, 121-133, New York: Springer. DOI; 10.1007/978-3-319-42870-3_9

Seitsonen, O., Herva, V.-P. & Kunnari, M. (2017). Abandoned refugee vehicles “in the middle of nowhere”: reflections on the global refugee crisis from the northern margins of Europe. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 3(2).

Seitsonen, O., (2017) Crowdsourcing Cultural Heritage: Public Participation and Conflict Legacy in Finland, Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage online-first, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/20518196.2016.1252129.


Thomas, S., & E. Koskinen-Koivisto, (2016) “Ghosts in the background” and “the price of war”: Representations of the Lapland War in Finnish Museums, Nordisk Museologi 2016(2): 60-77.

Wessman, A., Koivisto, L., and Thomas, S. (2016) Metal detecting in Finland – an ongoing debate, Open Archaeology 2(1): 85-96. DOI:  10.1515/opar-2016-0006. (open access)

Herva, V.-P., Koskinen-Koivisto, E., Seitsonen, O., and Thomas, S. (2016) ‘I have better stuff at home’: treasure hunting and private collecting of World War II artefacts in Finnish Lapland, World Archaeology 48(2): 267-281. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00438243.2016.1184586

Koskinen-Koivisto, E. (2016) Reminder of the Dark Heritage of Humankind – Experiences of Finnish Cemetery Tourists of Visiting the Norvajärvi German Cemetery, Thanatos 5(1): 23-42. Available  https://thanatosjournal.files.wordpress.com/2016/06/koskinen-koivisto_dark_heritage.pdf (open access)

Thomas, S., Seitsonen, O., and Herva, V.-P. (2016) Nazi memorabilia, dark heritage and treasure hunting as “alternative” tourism: understanding the fascination with the material remains of World War II in Northern Finland, Journal of Field Archaeology 41(3): 331-343. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00934690.2016.1168769


Seitsonen, O. (2015) Lapin synkkä kulttuuriperintö -hanke. Raito 2015: 62-63.

Seitsonen, O. (2015) Lapin synkkä kulttuuriperintö. Saksan armeijan toisen maailmansodan aikaiset materiaaliset jäänteet pohjoisen erämaissa. SKAS 4/2015: 38-41.


Herva, V.-P. (2014) Haunting Heritage in an Enchanted Land: Magic, Materiality and Second World War German Material Heritage in Finnish Lapland, Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 1(2): 297-321.

Our publications on themes connected to the project but pre-dating our funding period:

Hämeenaho, P. & Koskinen-Koivisto, E. (2014) Etnografian ulottuvuudet ja mahdollisuudet, in P. Hämeenaho & E. Koskinen-Koivisto (eds.) Moniulotteinen etnografia. Ethnos-toimite 17, Helsinki: Ethnos ry.

Seitsonen, O. & Herva, V.-P. (2011) Forgotten in the Wilderness: WWII PoW Camps in Finnish Lapland, in A. Myers and G. Moshenska (eds.) Archaeologies of Internment, 171–190, New York: Springer. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-9666-4_10

Thomas, S. (2015) International Trafficking of Cultural Property: Global and Local Perspectives, in J. Mylläri, M. Nurminen, L. Paaskoski, A. Pykäläinen, J. Saarinen, and M. Sarantola-Weiss (eds) Museoetiikka 2.0 : Puheenvuoroka ja keskustelunavauksia, 41-49, Helsinki: Suomen Museolitto.

Thomas, S. (2015) Collaborate, Condemn, or Ignore? Responding to Non-Archaeological Approaches to Archaeological Heritage, European Journal of Archaeology 18(2): 312-335, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/1461957114Y.0000000076.

Thomas, S. (2013) Editorial – Portable Antiquities: Archaeology, collecting, metal detecting, Internet Archaeology 33, Portable Antiquities: Archaeology, Collecting and Metal Detecting themed issue. http://dx.doi.org/10.11141/ia.33.12.

Thomas, S. (2012) Searching for Answers: a study of metal-detector users in the UK, International Journal of Heritage Studies 18(1): 49-64.

Thomas. S., & Lea, J. (eds.) (2014) Public Participation in Archaeology, Woodbridge: The Boydell Press.

Thomas, S., & Stone, P. (eds.) (2009) Metal Detecting and Archaeology, Woodbridge: The Boydell Press.


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