Lecture by Karen Pashby on the 9th of September

Fellow researcher Karen Pashby from the University of Oulu will be giving a lecture next Tuesday 9.9.2014, 12 o’clock at lecture room 229.

Critical Global Citizenship and Ethical Internationalization in Higher Education

For Whom, By Whom? A strategic mapping of internationalization in higher education strategies
When you think of international students, who do you think of? Who needs global citizenship education and why? What does it mean to be international and is it the same thing as being a global citizen? In the current era of both pushes for global citizenship education (e.g. by the UN in its post-2015 sustainable development goals agenda) and an imperative to internationalize higher education, what theoretical frameworks can we use to recognize possibilities and foreclosures in our good intentions to include others in a global or local community? How can we find strategic ways of highlighting an ethical and complex approach?

This presentation uses a variety of media text and shares scholarly research to illustrate the main factors in the growing momentum towards a critical approach to global citizenship education in theory and practice. It identifies and analyses the central critical impulses in moves towards critical global citizenship education in NGO work and school curriculum. It then connects this movement to the growing rush for internationalization in higher education by using a strategic mapping exercise to identify foreclosures and possibilities in how university documents position the role of international students in their internationalization strategies.