Category Archives: Club Meetings

Club 9.2.2016


next week is going to be an article session and now we have four articles to discuss. Thanks to everyone who contributed! Please read the articles before the club. We have one article of dino tracks, one of Cenozoic Patagonia, one of steam cell speciation in different matrix (developmental biology people needed!) and one of marine vertebrates response to climate change. Enjoyable weekend for everyone! (Articles attached on the club email and next post in this site)
See you on Tue 9.2.2016 at 16.00 in C108, Physicum!


Movie night 2.2.2016

Hi All,
next week we are going to have Kurten Club movie night!
The movie will be The Croods. The film is set in a fictional prehistoric Pliocene era known as “The Croodaceous” (a prehistoric period which contains fictional prehistoric creatures) when a caveman’s position as a “Leader of the Hunt” is threatened by the arrival of a prehistoric genius who comes up with revolutionary new inventions as they trek through a dangerous but exotic land in search of a new home. (Wikipedia). Running time is 98 minutes.

Bring your own snacks and drinks!

See you on Tue 2.2.2016 at 16.00 in C108, Physicum!


Club meeting 19.1.2016

Hi All,
next Tuesday Laura Säilä will give a talk titled “A Tale of Ice and Campfires: Changes in the carnivoran guild of Britain during the Quaternary period influenced by hominids and climate change”, it will be an extended version of her talk in the Nordic Geological Winter Meeting. Everyone is warmly welcome to hear and discuss about this fantastic topic!

See you on Tue 19.1. cl. 16.00 in C108, Physicum!


Club meeting 12.1.2016

Hi All and Happy New Year,

let’s start the spring’s Kurten Club meetings next week. the first meeting is solely for discussion and scheduling of upcoming meetings, so don’t hesitate to participate and propose titles and speakers for the spring!

The place is to be announced later as C108 will be occupied due to the Winter meeting.


The last club meeting of this year 15.12.

Hi All,
next Tuesday we will have the last BKK of this year! A request to chocolate trilobites has been heard and we will do them and have a relaxing last club meeting for this year. Mikko will held a music quiz and maybe we will have some other fun things to do!

See you on Tue 15.12. at 16.00 in C108, Physicum!


Club meeting Tue 8.12.

Hi All,
our scheduled talk about snake fangs had to be cancelled due to speakers other duties, but I visited EvoDevo Journal Club today (I encourage all of you visit there for interesting talks) and was able to get us a new very interesting presentation for the next Tuesday.

Dr. Jacqueline Moustakas-Verho from Helsinki EvoDevo-group will present a talk titled “The cave bear story”, don’t miss the opportunity to hear this fascinating talk!

See you on Tuesday 8.12. at 16.00 in C108, Physicum!


Club meeting 1.12.15

Hi All,

next week we will have a discussion session about paleontological (or related) societies, groups and so on. This includes also courses and lectures inside and outside university suitable (and recommended) for paleo-people. Gather your own information and experiments and come to share them next Tuesday. We will not have anybody making a presentation about this, but we will try to make it a group conversation led loosely by me.

See you on Tue 1.12. cl. 16.00 (this time hopefully) in C108!


Ps. remember to join Nimenhuuto and click “in” if you’re coming!

Club meeting 24.11.15

Hi All,
next week we will have an article session in the club meeting. No one sent me any suggestions of the articles, so I just pulled out three we can discuss about (attached to the email version). I hope people who are attending the club would read the articles, and maybe think some questions and comments.

See you on Tue 24.11. cl. 16.00 in C108!


Ps. remember to join Nimenhuuto and click “in” if you’re coming!

Let’s try registration for club meetings

Hi All,
we had some discussion about ways to know how many people are coming to the club meetings (in other words find out if there are some days that almost no one comes). Let’s try this Finnish sports club application and see if this kind of registration is useful to the club. It is in Finnish, but after registration (your name or alias and email address: email is sent to you with a password (salasana) to get in) the crucial part is to click “in” (or “out” if you want) next to the upcoming events if you are attending. You can also leave a message, for example if you’re coming late etc.

Have a wonderful weekend and do not miss the next club meeting where we have Shan Huang presenting her talk ““Biodiversity dynamics in space and time: Deciphering the role of history”.

Yrittänyttä ei laiteta! Nothing ventured, nothing gained!


Club on Tue 17.11

Hi All,

next week Dr. Shan Huang from Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Center will give us a talk about “Biodiversity dynamics in space and time: Deciphering the role of history”. All of you are warmly welcome to join the presentation and discussion!

Here’s a brief description of Shan:

I am interested in understanding broad-scale biodiversity dynamics, in space and time. My work takes an ecoinformatics approach of synthesizing large, often global, data sets of biogeographic, phylogenetic, and paleontological information to investigate processes that give rise to the dramatic temporal and spatial variation in different aspects of biodiversity, with an emphasis on deciphering the role of history in shaping the modern biota, including evolutionary history of the biotic components and historical environmental transitions. I have found that different systems have advantages for answering different questions about biodiversity, so I integrate knowledge from studying various organismal systems, including terrestrial mammals, marine bivalves, and parasites, to ask: 1) what key processes promote morphological and ecological diversity at different scales, and 2) how climate change influence biodiversity dynamics in space and time?

See you on Tue 17.11. cl. 16.00 in C108!
