Category Archives: Lectures

Department seminar on THURSDAY 22.1. at 12.15

Hi all,

The departmental seminar this week will be held on THURSDAY at 12.15. The seminar is given by Dr. Stephan Harrison from the College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, UK.

Dr. Harrison‘s main research interests lie in geomorphological responses to climate change. He has worked for twelve field seasons on the glaciers of Patagonia studying their fluctuation histories over the last 15,000 years and the geomorphological impact of recent glacier retreat on valley-side slopes.

THURSDAY, 22.1.2015

Time: 12.15

Location: D112 Physicum, Kumpula Campus


All are welcome


Department seminar Friday 16.1. / Dr Nick Matzke

Dear all,

This Friday (16.1.) the departmental seminar is given by Dr Nick Matzke from NIMBioS (

Friday, 16.1.2015

Time: 14.15

Location: D112 Physicum, Kumpula Campus (NB: new lecture hall)



New Biogeography Model: Founder-event speciation, where a rare jump dispersal event founds a new genetically isolated lineage, has long been considered crucial by many historical biogeographers, but its importance is disputed within the vicariance school. Probabilistic modeling of geographic range evolution creates the potential to test different biogeographical models against data using standard statistical model choice procedures, as long as multiple models are available. I re-implement the Dispersal-Extinction-Cladogenesis (DEC) model of LAGRANGE in the R package BioGeoBEARS, and modify it to create a new model, DEC+J, which adds founder-event speciation, the importance of which is governed by a new free parameter, j. Both models are shown to be special cases of the “claSSE” model.

Further applications: Probabilistic modeling in biogeography opens up many possible research applications, including biogeographical stochastic mapping, biogeographical dating, and inclusion of phylogenetic information in species distribution modeling (SDM).

All are welcome


First departmental seminar next year Friday 9.1.

Hi all,

The departmental seminar series continues next year.  I would like to remind you that the seminar is intended for all members of the department, from students to professors and any other interested party. We will continue to meet on Fridays starting at 14.15 in room D104 of Physicum.

The first departmental seminar of 2015 will be given by Associate professor Riinna Rinnan from University of Copenhagen:


Friday, 9.1. at 14.15 in D104, Physicum, Kumpula campus. All are welcome!


on behalf of David and Tuuli

Departmental seminar this week – Tang Hui

Dear all,

This Friday (5.12) the departmental seminar is given by Dr. Tang Hui from the Division of Geology. This will also be Hui’s farewell talk as he was appointed as a postdoc researcher to Oslo University and will move to Norway in the beginning of next year.


Tang Hui: MOUNTAIN UPLIFT AND THE ASIAN MONSOON: A NEW MODELING PERSPECTIVE – The uplift and growth of the Tibetan Plateau and the surrounding mountains have long been recognized as an important player for the Asian monsoon evolution in the geological periods. But how the Asian monsoon responds to these tectonic changes remains controversial. In the seminar, I will introduce some recent climate modeling studies on the effects of different regional mountains on the Asian monsoon system, and discuss how these modeled effects could be applied to the geological periods.

Friday, 5.12. at 14.15 in D104, Physicum, Kumpula campus

All are welcome


Björn Kröger talk Thu 16th Oct

Meeting of the Geological Society of Finland will be held at Thursday 16th of October starting at 18:15.

Location: The House of Sciences, hall 404, Kirkkokatu 6, Helsinki

Invited talk: Intendent Björn Kröger (Finnish Museum of Natural History):

“The oldest reefs on the Baltic Continent”


Two talks on systematics, June 10-11

For those of you working on or with systematics, these talks might be pertinent!


Top visitor gives two talks on systematics, June 10-11


Prof. Ward Wheeler from the American Museum of Natural History will be giving two talks while visiting Helsinki.

The first one at the Nylander seminar room of the Botanical Museum, 10 June at 13.15. Topic: Grand Challenges in the Study of the Tree of Life.

The second one in Viikki Info building, 5th floor meeting room, 11 June at 13.15. Topic: Heuristic algorithms, optimality criteria, and computation in the comparative analysis of sequence data.

Prof. Wheeler is one of the leading figures in the field of systematics. For more info of his expertise and interests, please check out his website. Financial support from the DPPS  (Doctoral Programme in Plant Sciences) enabling this visit is cordially acknowledged.

Soili Stenroos

Two talks on archaeological stable isotopes, Helsinki, monday 26.5.

Two talks on archaeological stable isotopes, Monaday 26.5., 14-16.

Dr Janet Montgomery (Reader, Dept. of Archaeology, Durham): “Constructing chemical biographies: An investigation of diet across 5000 years from the Early Neolithic to the Great Famine (AD 1845-52)”

Maria Lahtinen (PhD student, Dept. of Archaeology, Durham): “Diet in Iin Hamina with stable isotope analysis”

Place: University of Helsinki, Department of Archaeology, Unioninkatu 38F, room F115.


Kaksi vierailuluentoa stabiili-isotooppitutkimuksesta arkeologiassa ma 26.5 klo 14 Helsingin yliopiston arkeologian oppiaineessa


Ensi maanantaina HY:n arkeologian oppiaineessa vierailee kaksi tutkijaa Durhamin yliopistosta Isosta-Britanniasta, jotka pitävät lyhyet luennot ajankohtaisista tutkimusaiheistaan. Molempien aiheet liittyvät stabiilien isotooppien hyödyntämiseen arkeologisten ihmisluuaineistojen tutkitmuksessa ja niiden pohjalta tehtyihin päätelmiin menneiden ihmisyhteisöjen ruokavaliosta.

Dr Janet Montgomery (Reader, Dept. of Archaeology): “Constructing chemical biographies: An investigation of diet across 5000 years from the Early Neolithic to the Great Famine (AD 1845-52)”
Montgomery on erikoistunut isotooppimenetelmiin ja on yksi tutkimusalan pioneereistä arkeologiassa, ks. tarkemmin

Maria Lahtinen (PhD student, Dept. of Archaeology): “Diet in Iin Hamina with stable isotope analysis”
Lahtisen väitöskirjahankkeesta ks.

Luentojen pituus on n. 30 min per esitys ja niiden yhteydessä ja luentojen jälkeen on aikaa keskustella aiheesta. (Kiinnostuneille tarjolla myös mahdollisuus jatkaa keskustelua yhteisen illanvieton merkeissä; alustavat ilmoittautumiset Marialle Lahtiselle, maria.lahtinen (at)

Paikka: Unioninkatu 38F, sali F115 eli ns. ‘arla pro’.
Aika: maanantai 26.5 klo 14-16


Prof. Chris Stringer: “The Ancient Human Occupation of Britain”

Friday 9th May, the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Seminar and the Björn Kurtén Club proudly present:

Prof. Chris Stringer, Earth Sciences Department, Vertebrates and Anthropology Palaeobiology, Natural History Museum:

“The Ancient Human Occupation of Britain”

Prof. Stringer is a world leader in the study of human evolution and prehistory. He is visiting Finland on the occasion of the publication in Finnish by Gaudeamus of his recent book Lone Survivor (Vain yksi jäi).

Place & time:

Viikki B-building, Lecture hall 2

9.5., coffee served 09:00- and the talk starts 09:30.

​Prof. Stringer will also speak about the topic of his book in a public lecture on Thursday in Porthania:

Thursday 8th of May Chris Stringer: Lone Survivors: How We Came to Be the Only Humans on Earth

Chris Stringer (Natural History Museum, London), the author of the book Lone Survivors: How We Came to Be the Only Humans on Earth, will be in Helsinki and lecture about the early days of Homo sapiens. Where did we come from? How did we evolve? Chris Stringer will take a fascinating look at where, when, and how our species, Homo sapiens, evolved.

Time: Thursday 8th of May at 16.30 – about 17.45
Place: Porthania PIII, Yliopistonkatu 3.
Please registrate here:

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