Author Archives: ekuorela

Pohjolan leijona won Tieto-Finlandia 2014 and Vuoden tiedekirja

[7.1.2015] Suomen kirjasäätiö awarded in November 2014 Mirkka Lappalainen’s Pohjolan leijona (Siltala 2014) with Tieto-Finlandia (Finlandia Literary Prize for Non-Fiction). The award sum is 30,000 euros. The book was awarded with “Vuoden tiedekirja 2014” prize in January 2015 by Tieteellisten seurain valtuuskunta … Continue reading

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New Book: Loistavat Erkot

[17.11.2014] Antti Blåfield’s Loistavat Erkot. Patruunat ja heidän päätoimittajansa (Otava, 2014) tells the long history of Helsingin Sanomat and its predecessor Päivälehti from 1889 to 1991 through its owners, three generations of Erkko family, and their 18 chief editors. Book … Continue reading

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Mirkka Lappalainen’s new book nominated as candidate for two prizes

[7.11.2014] Mirkka Lappalainen’s new book Pohjolan leijona (Siltala, 2014) is nominated as a candidate for Tieto-Finlandia and Kanava prizes. Pohjolan leijona explores Finland at the turn of the 17th century under the reign of Gustav II Adolf, young and charismatic … Continue reading

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HS and HOK-Elanto in international conference next week

[15.8.2014] Two research groups of Capitalism, State and Society are presenting their work next week in the European Business History Association’s conference in Utrecht. Elina Kuorelahti and Niklas Jensen-Eriksen, working in the Päivälehti – Helsingin Sanomat project, are presenting their comparative research on Newspapers … Continue reading

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New Book: Paperimaailman valloittajat

Paperimaailman valloittajat (Siltala 2014) is a new book by Anitra Komulainen. It presents the history of the Finnish Paper Engineers’ Association in the 20th century. More information on the book on the publisher’s website (in Finnish)

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Finnish newspaper cartels and HOK-Elanto in Frankfurt

[15.3.2014] Two research groups of Capitalism, State and Society are presenting their work next week World Business History Conference in Frankfurt next week. Elina Kuorelahti and Niklas Jensen-Eriksen, working in the Päivälehti – Helsingin Sanomat project, are presenting their research on … Continue reading

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New book: Paperin painajainen

3.2.1014 Paperin painajainen (Siltala 2014) is a new book by Markku Kuisma, Sakari Siltala and Teemu Keskisarja exploring the history of Metsäliitto in the 20th century. More information on the book on the publisher’s website (in Finnish)

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Teemu Keskisarja’s “Viipuri 1918” as candidate for Tieto-Finlandia 2013

6.11.2013 Teemu Keskisarja’s book Viipuri 1918 (Siltala) was nominated as one of the six candidates for Tieto-Finlandia 2013. Tieto-Finlandia Award for popularization of science, worth 20 000 EUR, is given each year by Suomen Kirjasäätiö. Read more about the award … Continue reading

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Panu Pulma awarded for his life work

Historiska föreningen i Finland has awarded university lecturer Panu Pulma with Gösta Mickwiz prize for his life work. Panu Pulma has dedicated his academic career in researching a variety of topics around socially excluded groups in Finland, latest contribution being … Continue reading

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New book: Tuntematon Lauri Törni

21.10.2013 In their book Tuntematon Lauri Törni (Otava 2013) Oula Silvennoinen and Juha Pohjoinen explore the man and the myth, war-hero Lauri Törni, and based on a new evidence challenge previous interpretations. Lauri Törni was a Finnish Army captain who … Continue reading

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