Trip to Diamond Light Source Synchrotron

In December 2017, doctoral student Mamata Bhattarai and postdoctoral researcher Fabio Valoppi from the Food Materials Science Group, and postdoctoral researcher Inkeri Kontro from the Department of Physics spent 24 hours at the Diamond Light Source in Oxford (UK).

Diamond Light Source is the UK’s national synchrotron facility comprising more than 30 beamlines for advanced material characterization. The team worked at the B21 beamline under the support of the senior beamline scientist Katsuaki Inoue carrying out small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis on hemicelluloses based emulsions characterizing their interfacial structure.

The team successfully utilized the granted beamtime collecting data from more than 100 scans. The data processing is going on and we expect to obtain crucial information regarding hemicelluloses organization at the oil/water interface. Stay tuned!

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