All posts by Deleted User

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Pre-Christmas get-together on 16th December!

Dear FOTY members,
Join us in the 6th floor coffee room on Wednesday the 16th at 16 o’clock for some relaxed pre-christmas drinks! FOTY will bring wine (We still have quite some left after the 60th anniversary party, and we need to get rid of it!), soft drinks and some snacks. Just bring yourself and your best holiday spirit!

The 6th floor door will probably be locked, so ring the doorbell and we’ll let you in.

Welcome all!

FOTY has a new logo!

As a result of the logo competition organized at FOTY’s 60-year celebration, FOTY now has a brand new logo designed by PhD student Feng Deng. The logo is modern and fresh but still simple, of course with a pharmaceutical twist – check out below how it looks!

Congratulations Feng!


FOTY logo


60 years of FOTY – celebration on Friday 25 September


Year    2015    is    a    special    celebration    year    for    FOTY,    since    the    association   was founded    60    years    ago!   FOTY    will    give    out    a    60-year anniversary    booklet    and    organize    a cocktail party  celebration    for    members   and    faculty    on    25    September    2015.

Invitations will be sent to all FOTY members in August together with the Anniversary              booklet. Make sure to mark your calendars already to not miss a great opportunity to meet    colleagues and celebrate 60 years of collaboration within the Association!

Registration by 10 September

New FOTY board for 2015

The board for year 2015 was elected on February 13th, with two new board members, Noora Sjöstedt and Teppo Leino.

The board of 2015 is:

Noora Sjöstedt (President)
Anna-Kaisa Koskinen (Vice-President)
Juho-Matti Renko (Secretary)
Teppo Leino (Treasurer)
Katja-Emilia Lillsunde (Communications)
Ulrika Julku (Membership secretary)

FOTY annual meeting + dinner on Friday February 13!

FOTY’s annual general meeting will be held on Friday 13.2.2015 at 16:00 in meeting room 136, Infocenter Korona (inside the University library, downstairs).  The meeting will, amongst other things, choose the FOTY board of 2015!

Meeting agenda (in Finnish)

You are warmly welcome to participate in the meeting even if you are not yet a member of FOTY.

After the meeting we will go for dinner to Restaurant Passio (on one’s own account) at 19:00. If you want to join the happy dinner party, please sign up no later than Friday 6 February by e-mailing foty.hallitus(at)!

FOTY and FPDP-P cruise – Program teaser!

There’s still two days left to register for the FOTY and FPDP-P joint seminar and Christmas party that will be held aboard M/S Finlandia on 27 November. Register HERE before 23 October! The price for FOTY and FPDP-P members is only 5 €!

To inspire you, here’s a little program teaser from training company Kaswu!

“Save Time and Energy – Doublecheck it!
Welcome to the world of Kaswu. We are a small independent training company with a fresh business approach. Kaswu’s training methods are built for gaining better results in our corporate and personal lives. We believe that people can achieve greater goals by focusing and keeping the mindset clear. That’s why we have created tools like Doublechecking, which helps us to focus on the things that are meaningful and important for us.

Less is more! We will tell you all about it on 27th of November.”

Welcome to the training session and the cruise!

Joint Christmas party and seminar – Sign up now!

Welcome to the joint Christmas party and seminar of FOTY and FDPD-P!

The Association of pharmacy teachers and researchers (FOTY) and the Pharmacy section of the Fin Pharma Doctoral Program (FPDP-P) will organize a joint seminar and Christmas party – the event will take place on Thursday 27 November in the form of an evening cruise on Eckerö Line m/s Finlandia! All members of FOTY and FPDP-P members in Helsinki and Kuopio are warmly welcomed to participate.

Preliminary program:

14:30 Gathering at the west harbor in Helsinki and boarding the ship

15.30 Program starts

19:00 Dinner buffet

21:45 Return to Helsinki

PRICE: 5 € for members of FOTY or FPDP-P including the cruise, seminar and dinner buffet with food and drinks. We have place for 40 participants, so make sure to book your place in time!

The deadline for REGISTRATION is Thursday October 23. Sign up for the event HERE

After you have completed the form, you will receive the instructions for payment.

We look forward to seeing you in November!

Tervetuloa! Välkommen! Welcome!

Tervetuloa Farmasian opettajien ja tutkijoiden yhdistys ry:n uusille tiedotussivuille! Täältä löydät jatkossa ajakohtaista tietoa FOTY:n toiminnasta.

Välkommen till Föreningen för farmacie lärare och forskare rf:s nya webbplats! Här hittar du i fortsättningen aktuell information om föreningens verksamhet.

Welcome to the brand new site of The Association of Pharmacy Teachers and Researchers! Here you’ll find information on everything that’s going on in FOTY.