Pinja – Molecular Biosciences, BSc-MSc

Hi! My name is Pinja and I’m one of the HiLIFE Research Scholarship Trainees this year. I just finished my bachelor’s and will be starting in the master’s programme of Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology in the University of Helsinki next autumn.

I was lucky enough to join Reetta Satokari’s group for the duration of this traineeship. My research project is all about discovering the potential of next-generation probiotics (NGPs) in repairing antibiotic-induced dysbiosis in the gut microbiota, as well as potentially reducing inflammation.

I’ve always been interested in microbiology, but once I learned more about the gut microbiota during my bachelor’s degree, I knew that I wanted to do my own research on the topic. I simply find it fascinating how such small creatures have incredibly strong effects on our health, and how much we still don’t know about them!

This summer, I’m expecting to learn new skills in the lab, connect with like-minded researchers and of course get some intriguing results!

For more details on my project, make sure to follow the HiLIFE Trainee blog.

You can view Pinja’s full introduction post in Instagram: (posted July 8, 2024).