Erika – Molecular Biosciences, BSc

My name is Erika Nordman, I’m a second year Bachelor student in Molecular Biosciences and one of this year’s HiLIFE Research Trainees. I’m interested in microbiology research, more specifically in virology and environmental microbiology. 🧫

During my traineeship I will be working on characterizing a Bacillus cereus infecting bacteriophage that was isolated from a soil sample collected from Viikki campus. The phage has been isolated by me and my lab partner as part of Helsinki University’s Bacteriology and virology laboratory course last autumn.

In the picture is a transmission electron microscopy picture of the phage from the course. I will be spending my traineeship by re-purifying and characterizing this virus along with other experiments to reveal characteristics of this new phage.

I’m really looking forward to learn about this virus and to get my hands on research work! 👩‍🔬

Check out Erika’s introduction also in Instagram: (posted on March 8, 2023).