Research Trainee Scholarships

You will find individual introductions of each Research Trainee by clicking their name on the menu.

In 2023, a total of 10 HiLIFE Research Trainee Scholarships were granted to the University of Helsinki life science students. Out of these, 9 proposed to complete their internship locally at the University research groups and 1 at a lab abroad. The 2 postponed internships from 2022 are also commencing this year, both heading to labs abroad – thus we have a total of versatile and talented group of 12 Trainees to follow.

About the HiLIFE Research Trainee Scholarships:

The Scholarships aim to open doors for students of the University of Helsinki opportunities to engage in top-level life science research during undergraduate studies (BSc, MSc, Lic).

Participants benefit from financial support and guidance from HiLIFE, freedom to pursue their dream research projects in life sciences, series of educative SciComm workshops, and the chance to share their experiences in HiLIFE social media channels.

The scholarships are granted once per year, combining both the local and international traineeship opportunities within the same call.