Mushroom quiche

One of my favourite mushroom recipes is a quiche with chanterelles and since it’s still yellowfoot chanterelle season I wanted to share this with you. It makes a tasty and filling meal since there’s wholegrain and lots of veggies. It’s perfect with tea or coffee.

1,5 dl of oats and 1,5 dl of graham flours will also make a nice pastry, so if you want to replace some of the crust’s wheat, rolled oats do the job well. I recommend using an immersion blender to grind the oats so that the crust’s texture will be finer.

For the crust:

75 gr room temp. butter

2dl graham flour

1 dl durum flour

1 egg

3 tbs rapeseed oil

3 tbs water

For the stuffing:

250 gr fresh yellowfoot chanterelles (suppilovahvero)

1/2 bell pepper

1 onion

250 feta cheese

1/2 broccoli

2 dl cream

2 eggs

some black pepper and salt

grated cheese on top


Mix all the crust’s ingredients together and press the dough onto your baking dish or pan. If you use a pan, put parchment paper underneath. Cut the mushrooms into smaller pieces and fry them until they’ve stopped boiling in their own liquid. While they’re frying chop the veggies and feta and grate the cheese. Combine cream, eggs and the spices and batter. Put the mushrooms, veggies and feta onto the crust, pour the egg-cream batter on top and spread the grated cheese. Bake in 175° for about 50 minutes.