New project accepted: Green NLP

The Academy of Finland decided to fund our project proposal on “Green NLP – controlling the carbon footprint in sustainable language technology” from the call on sustainable and energy-efficient ICT solutions. We are looking forward to three years of exciting research and work together with our colleagues from TurkuNLP and CSC.

GreenNLP addresses the problem of increasing energy consumption caused by modern solutions in natural language processing (NLP). Neural language models and machine translation require heavy computations to train and their size is constantly growing, which makes them expensive to deploy and run. In our project we will reduce the training costs and model sizes by clever optimizations of the underlying machine learning algorithms with techniques that make use of knowledge transfer and compression. Furthermore, we will focus on multilingual solutions that can serve many languages in a single model reducing the number of actively running systems. Finally, we will also openly document and freely distribute all our results to enable efficient reuse of ready-made components to further decrease the carbon footprint of modern language technology.

Meet the LT industry 2022

  • Place: Kielikeskus (Fabianinkatu 26), Juhlasali
  • Date: Friday November 25, 2022
  • Time: 15:15 – 17:45

Update 28 November: Thanks for attending! You can find the presentation slides here (UH account required).

The purpose of this event is to arrange a meeting between students and representatives of the industry that work with language technology in one way or another. The event is open to anyone who is interested in getting information about career opportunities. We will have short presentations of relevant companies and their business and leave time for questions and discussions. There will also be the opportunity to informally speak to the industry representatives face to face.

We have invited various language service providers and LT businesses and the preliminary list of confirmed participants is listed below:

  • Kielikone (Elina Söderblom)
  • Lingsoft (Sebastian Andersson)
  • Semantix (Teemu Tenhunen)
  • Utopia Analytics (Saara Palma-Suominen, Sami Virpioja)
  • Sanoma Media Finland (Clemens Westrup)
  • Front.AI (Tiila Käenniemi)
  • Huawei (Adrian Flanagan)

Please sign up here by Sunday 20 November if you intend to participate. (The registration is not binding, it is just to facilitate the organization.)