Public examination of Raúl Vázquez’ PhD thesis

Our FoTran team member Raúl Vázquez will defend the doctoral dissertation entitled “Representation Learning in Multilingual Neural Machine Translation

The public examination will take place in the Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki, on 17 November 2023 at 10:00 in the lecture hall at Unioninkatu 33, (room 303). Senior Researcher Dr. Cristina España i Bonet, DFKI, will serve as the opponent, and Jörg Tiedemann as the custos.

The defense will also be streamed on Unitube:

The dissertation will be published in the series Dissertationes Universitatis Helsingiensis (

Helsinki-NLP is busy at the FCAI AI day

The language technology group from Helsinki has substantial presence at the AI day organized by the Finnish Center for AI (FCAI). Check out the program and see our presentations about



Come and see us at the presentations and posters!