Workshopping: Uses of diffucult heritage (Kalmar, Sweden) and Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon 2017

Oula Seitsonen has been this week busy workshopping in Sweden and Finland. On Tuesday and Wednesday he took part in the seminar Memories of Violence and Oppression: Developing new uses of difficult heritage sites and landscapes in the Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden, presenting the “‘#InariDig: Public archaeology and augmented reality in engaging with difficult heritage”.

Rest of the week went in the Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon 2017 #DHH17. Oula was working through the week as part of the cultural heritage team consisting of humanists and computer scientists, marveling the theme “Heritage Sites and Participatory Cultures in the Digital Age“. Team came up with interesting observations related to the official and unofficial heritage in Finland and their uses based on various kinds of data, such as comparisons of participatory Geocaching and Pokemon Go sites to the nationally recognized heritage sites. The preliminary observations made during the week will be pursued further in the future.

Geocaches: Left) All geocaches (red), caches within 200 m of RKY sites (black); Right) Kernel Density Estimation of the latter.