OPEN SCIENCE KIOSK on every Campus October 24-27


Venues & Time
City Centre Campus

Tue 24.10.2017 11.00-13.00 Porthania, lobby Yliopistonkatu 3

Meilahti Campus
Tue 24.10.2017 11.00-13.00 Biomedicum Helsinki 1 lobby, Haartmaninkatu 8

Kumpula Campus
Tue 24.10.2017 11.00-13.00 Physicum, lobby Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2

Viikki Campus
Fri 27.10.2017 11.00-13.00 Biocenter 3, Viikinkaari 1

To whom?

Researcher, lecturer or student: You are welcome to meet our experts whether you just want to discuss matters concerning Open Access or get more detailed advice.


Want to get yourself an ORCID id and link it with your TUHAT profile? Aiming to publish your research or thesis open access? Wish to hear more about discounts on APCs library has negotiated? Or is it about the data: Do you hope to manage your data / write a Research Data Management Plan?

Come and challenge us & explore the possibilities!


Let´s celebrate Open Science – Welcome to Think Corner October 23 2017

Event: Open Science afternoon (in Finnish)
Location: Think Corner, Stage (Yliopistonkatu 4)
Time: Oct 23, 2017 at 1 pm – 2.30 pm

How does open access publishing, open learning materials and open data affect researchers’ work? Will open science change research and publishing fundamentally? How does the future look for science publishing and open research?

University lecturer Mirkka Lappalainen, Research Administration Specialist (UH) Eeva Nyrövaara, Professor Markku Löytönen and Gaudeamus publishing director Leena Kaakinen will take the stage and discuss about these and plenty of more questions.

Helsinki University Library will also reward an open science promoter. So show up and get inspired!

The event is part of the International Open Access Week at the University of Helsinki Library, free of charge and open to everyone. Think Corner Café serves throughout the event.

For more information on events during Open Access Week (23.-29.10.), visit the library’s Open Access event site.


Workshop on Japanese Research Tools in Helsinki 11 September 2017

This annual NIAS workshop on using databases for Japanese Studies is this year organized by Helsinki University Library. It is best suitable for researchers or students who know Japanese or are on the way of learning it since most of the content in the databases is in Japanese. The presentations are in English.

As usual there will be hands-on introductions by the vendors to the most important Japanese databases on AsiaPortal: JapanKnowledge, Asahi Shimbun Kikuzo, Nikkei Telecom, Japan Times and Yomidas Rekishikan. The workshop is useful both for new and more experienced users of the databases as the presentations also include new features.

Participation is free, but registration is necessary as seats are limited.

Time: Monday 11.9.2017, 10.00-15.30 
Venue: Siltavuorenpenger 3 A (Athena), 3rd floor, room 302, University of Helsinki


10:00-11:00 JapanKnowledge
11:00-11:10 Short Break
11:10-12:00 Asahi Shimbun Kikuzo II Visual
12:00-12:15 Japan Times Archives
12:15-13:15 Lunch Break
13:15-14:15 Nikkei Telecom
14:15-14:25 Short Break
14:25-14:30 Hokkaido University Info (in Japanese)
14:30-15:30 140 Years of The Yomiuri Shimbun

Registration: Latest 5 September to Pekka Karhula, Helsinki University Library by email to For more information, please contact Pekka Karhula.


Psychology and logopedics books will move during September

Kaisa house library´s psychology and logopedics books will move to Meilahti from August 21st to October 1st. The books will be out of the customers’ reach at that time. All books will be back in customer use by October 2nd.

During the move, you can return books to all other library sites including the return box located on the Meilahti Campus (Haarmaninkatu 3 lobby). Loans from these collections have no due dates on September.

We apologize for the inconvenience!

We meet on October at Terkko Health Hub

Meilahti Campus Library opens October 2nd as a part of the Terkko Health Hub. The library is open Mon-Fri 8-20, customer service 10-17. Outside the desk service hours, the library serves as a Self Service Library.


Come and work with your data management plan!

In these workshops you will get an introduction to data management planning and the Data Management Planning Tool Tuuli. Most of the time will be hands on working with your own DMP’s.

Feel free to participate in a workshop at any campus, please sign up!

City centre cam­pus

Place:  IT class (5057; 5th floor) of the Helsinki University Main Library in Kaisa building (Fabianinkatu 30).

  • Thu, 24 August 2017 at 10-12:00
  • Wed, 30 August 2017 at 10-12:00
  • Wed, 6 September 2017 at 14-16:00
  • Thu, 14 September 2017 at 10-12:00
  • Mon, 18 September 2017 at 12-14:00
  • Wed, 20 September 2017 at 14-16:00

Enrollments by 18 August 2017:

Kum­pula cam­pus

Place: Kumpula Campus Library, Library class G108b

  • Thu 17th August 2017, at 14:15-16:00
  • Wed 23rd August 2017, at 9:15-11:00
  • Tue 12th September 2017, at 14:15-16:00


 Mei­l­ahti cam­pus

Place: Terkko Medical Campus Library (Haartmaninkatu 4), PC-classroom, 1st floor

  • Tue 12.9.2017, at 13:15-15:00 o’clock
  • Fri 15.9.2017, at 10:15-12:00 o’clock
  • Wed 20.9.2017, at 10:15-12:00 o’clock

Enrollments for workshops:

DMP clinics: Come and ask about your DMP 

The DMP clinics are Pop-Up clinics for those who already know what DMPs are and want to get their DMP reviewed or tips before submission. The sessions don’t include introduction.The clinic will be hands on working with your own DMP’s.

Place: Terkko PC classroom (Haartmaninkatu 4)

  •  Fri 15.9.2017, at 13:00-14:30 o’clock
  • Wed 20.9.2017, at 14:15-15:30 o’clock

Enrollments for clinics:

Viikki cam­pus

Place: Infocenter Korona, Viikinkaari 11 A, class 138

  • Mon 11th September 2017, at 12:00-14:00
  • Wed 13th September 2017, at 14:00-16:00
  • Tue 19th September 2017, at 10:00-12:00

Enrollments by 7th September 2017:

The workshops are organized by University of Helsinki DataSupport.

Support for research data management and DMP reviewing service: or phone 02 941 23000.

More info: ResearchGuides:Research Data Management

New York Times digital archive or Medieval manuscripts? We got it!

  • Digital Resources Guide  presents licensed digital resources offered by the library. Among these are historical newspaper collections and archived materials. Most of the guide’s digital materials are available only in the network of the university. University researchers and students can access online  through remote access with an off-campus computer.

Bubbling under: New York Times – archive covers years 1851-2013 (requires access to  Helsinki University Network).





Data Management Planning Workshops on City Centre Campus, 29.5. & 30.5.

Want to manage your data / write a DMP / meet the funders requirements? We still have left two Data Management Planning Workshops on City Centre Campus

Place: Kaisa House, computer class 5057, 5th floor.
Time: Monday 29.5.2017 at 12:00 -14 o’clock
Tuesday 30.5.2017 at 14:00 -16 o’clock


In the workshops, we will concentrate on the best practices of research data management and hands-on training of data management planning (DMP). The DMPs are drafted with DMPTuuli.

The primary language of the workshop will be English. Help and instructions are also available in Finnish.

University of Helsinki DataSupport

Further help in research data management is provided by the University of Helsinki DataSupport
Phone: 02 941 23000
Research Data Management Guide


Publish openly and benefit from SAGE’s discount for APCs

The researchers at the University of Helsinki get a 87,5% discount from the APC payment when they publish their articles openly in SAGE journals (Sage Choice Titles) as a corresponding author. The normal APC payment would be 1600 GBP, but due to library’s Open Access-membership the author is left only with the APC-payment of 200 GBP.

Instructions for Open Access publishing in SAGE´s journals:

1. SAGE sends to a corresponding author the acceptance of the article and informs author about the possibility to publish the article Open Access.

2. The writer fills in the SAGE’s Open Access form and uses the Promo Code: “FinELib 2017“.

3. SAGE bills the 200 GBP APC payment from the corresponding writer.

When the article has been accepted the writers themselves have to add  the information code: FinELib2017, which entitles to the discount. Researchers also have to make sure that the billing is performed correctly with the discounted APC payment.

Publish your article open access in Taylor & Francis – APCs are covered by the library

The researchers / article authors of the University of Helsinki have the possibility to publish articles open access in Taylor& Francis (incl. Routledge) free of charge. The possibility for this starts in 2017 and covers articles published in 2017 and onwards.

The normal APC fee would be 2150 euro, but due to library’s OA-membership agreement the library is left with the discounted APC-payment of 860 euro.

Instructions on how to publish open access articles in T&F journals:

  1. T&F sends the corresponding author a message about the acceptance of the article and informs author about the possibility to publish the article open access.
  2. The library sends a confirmation to T&F about the discounted APC-payment, after which the corresponding author can confirm the open access CC-license chosen in the T&F publishing system. If you don´t choose any license, CC-BY will automatically appear as default.

Need to know more? Ask:

Open Science springs to you! Open Access Pop Up 20.–23.3. on every Campus

Want to discuss Open Science themes, Open research data, ORCID or publishing Open Access? Share some researchers’ views? Come and meet Open Access experts at our stand on every Campus!

Meilahti Campus
Mon 20.3.2017 11–13 o’clock,  Biomedicum.
Viikki Campus
Tue 21.3.2017 12–14 o’clock, A-Building.
City Centre Campus
Tue 21.3.2017 12–14 o’clock, Main Building, lobby.
Kumpula Campus
Wed 22.3.2017  12–14 Physicum, lobby..
City Centre Campus
Thu 23.3.2017 12–14 o’clock Porthania, lobby.

Answers to questions concerning Open Access or Research Data Management you´ll find on our Open Access and RDM -Guides.

You are warmly welcome!