
I am a part-time university researcher at the University of Helsinki, Centre for Consumer Society Research and Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science HELSUS. I am also teaching environmental policy as a university lecturer in Tampere University, and I’m an Adjunct professor (docent) of sociology at the the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Jyväskylä.

My research focuses on sustainable consumption and the ways our everyday practices are shaped by established services, technologies and infrastructures, by shared norms and conventions, as well as by institutional and political rules. I am also interested in themes such as eco-social wellbeing, sufficiency, equality and fair sustainability transitions.

I’m leading ENUSE project (Enoughness in energy use: Sustainable and sufficient energy consumption in Finland) that focuses on  sufficient energy use, social and ecological limits of (energy) consumption and just energy transition from the perspective of everyday life. ENUSE is funded by the University of Helsinki for years 2021-2023. I am also a work-package leader in My other research project is ENCIT (Citizens, everyday life and tensions in the energy transition), also funded by the Academy of Finland for years 2020-2023.  The project provides a new perspective on current discussions on resistance to transitions, ownership of the energy transition and energy justice, by zooming into tensions that are common to particular everyday life situations.

I am coordinating the Nordic Network for Sustainable Consumption (Nonesco). Together with colleagues from Sweden and Denmark, we are hosting a series of workshops on Sustainable consumption, everyday life and social change for early-career researchers in the Nordic region (in 2020-2022). I am a board member of ESA research network for Sociology of Consumption and a member of the Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI) network. I am also a member of editorial boards in Consumption & Society journal and Versus online forum.  Moreover, I am a member of the National Advisory Council on Consumer Affairs.

I write about sustainable everyday life (and other things, mostly in Finnish) in my blog. See also more about my research.

Olen yliopistotutkija Helsingin yliopistolla, ympäristöpolitiikan yliopistonlehtori Tampereen yliopistolla sekä dosentti Jyväskylän yliopistossa, tutkimusteemoina arki ja kuluttaminen, kestävä hyvinvointi sekä reilu kestävyysmurros. Kirjoituksia suomeksi, lisätietoja tutkimuksesta englanniksi.