Funding for the study of self-regulation

Our doctoral student Jouni Veijalainen has been granted by Jenny and Antti Wihuri foundation with a 24 000 euro funding. The grant is for Jouni’s doctoral dissertation “Children’s self-regulation skills in day care”. Jouni’s data is from the 2015 data collection. In his dissertation Jouni combines children’s evaluated self-regulation skills with the observed activities, which makes it possible to study how the self-regulation skills are related to everyday activities and peer contacts in day care centres. Self-regulative skills are essential when children get practice to steer their own and also others life for a sustainable well-being.

Scientific justification for the recommendations for physical activity in early childhood

The recommendations for physical activity in early childhood have been based largely on scientific justification. The articles for the Scientific justification for the recommendations for physical activity in early childhood (2016, Ministry of Education and Culture 2016:22) have just been published. The Orientation project results and insight have been a major contributor in this process, see:

Laukkanen, A., Määttä, S., Reunamo, J., Roos, E., Soini, A. and Mäki, P. Perheen tärkeä rooli [The important role of the family], p. 22-26.
Reunamo, J. Lapsilähtöinen toimintakulttuuri edellyttää lapsen kuuntelua [Child-initiated action culture requires listening the child], p. 27-31.
Iivonen, S., Laukkanen A., Haapala, A. and Reunamo, J. Motoristen taitojen kehitys [The development of motoric skills], p. 32-37.
Soini, A., Laukkanen, A., Mäki, P. and Reunamo, J. Fyysistä aktiivisuutta ja liikkumista edistävä ympäristö [An environment that enhances physical activity], p. 44-48.
Kyhälä, A-L. and Soini, A. Organisoitu liikunta [Organized excercise], p. 49-53.
Reunamo, J. and Kyhälä, A-L. Liikkuminen varhaiskasvatuspäivän osana [Physical activity as part of everyday activities in early childhood education], p. 54-58.

Hopefully the articles will be translated in English as soon as possible!

Recommendations for physical activity in early childhood

The new Recommendations for physical activity in early childhood have been published in 7th September 2016. The recommendations for physical activity in early childhood inform about the amount and type of physical activity for the under eight-year-olds, roles of the physical, psychological and social environments, and planning and implementation of guided physical exercise and education on exercise as part of early childhood education. The Orientation project results and insights have been integrated in the recommendations in many ways. Hopefully we get the English translation for the recommendations as soon as possible!