Burning experiment 2020

New attempt! Book the dates!

We are currently planning a prescribed fire (burning experiment) close to Evo, Finland.

This will be the test burning, to prepare for the bigger campaign in summer of 2021. Currently the plan is to establish experimental burning areas in 70-80 year old Scots pine stands (sandy soils), and the burning should take place between 15.05 – 15.06.2020.

We are aiming surface fires with two different intensities – two different treatments with burning temperatures around 300 degrees and 600 degrees (acheaved by biomass treatment).

The aim of the experimental burning is to test the effect of different fire intensities on GHG and BVOC emissions from the soil, on soil organic matter quantity and quality, on microbial biomass and composition, on pyrogenic carbon (char) creation, etc. Also to test different measuring equipment (temperature sensors, low cost CH4 sensors, etc.).

The experiment is planned in collaboration with Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK), Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research/Forest Sciences (Disturbance and biogeochemistry team) in University of Helsinki, University of Eastern Finland (Department of Environmental Science, Kuopio and Joensuu), LUKE (Jokioinen), Emergency Services Academy Finland (Pelastusopisto).