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Estonian national research award for K. Köster

On 24.02.2017 Kalev Jõgiste, Marek Metslaid (Estonian University of Life Sciences) and Kajar Köster (University of Helsinki) were awarded with Estonian national research award in the field of agricultural sciences.

The award was given based on our last four year works dealing with importance of disturbances and nutrient dynamics in boreal and hemiboreal forests.

Picture gallery

Estonian Prime Minister Mr. J. Ratas giving the award in the building of Estonian Academy of Sciences during the Estonian Republic Independence Day celebrations.



Picture by Rene Suurkaev / ERR

EGU 2017

European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2017 (Vienna,  Austria, 23–28 April 2017)

Here we come:

(EGU2017-11863) Impact of postfire management on soil respiration and C concentration in a managed hemiboreal forest. By Kajar Köster et al. in Session SSS9.3 Fire impacts on the Ecosystems

(EGU2017-7359) Soil organic matter decomposition and temperature sensitivity after forest fire in permafrost regions in Canada. By Heidi Aaltonen et al. in Session SSS9.13/BG9.45/CL4.06/CR4.7 Soils in cold-climate regions (co-organized)

(EGU2017-12058) Grazing by reindeer in subarctic coniferous forests — how it is affecting three main greenhouse gas emissions from soils. By Kajar Köster et al. in Session SSS10.1 The impact of grazing on land degradation: Identifying problems, causes and solutions from a global perspective

(EGU2017-13512) Biochar as a possible solution to shortcomings of traditional forest biomass utilization in Finland. By Egle Köster et al. in Session SSS5.4 Future challenges in biochar research

(EGU2017-9763) Stochiometry, Microbial community composition and decomposition, a modelling analysis. By Frank Berninger et al. in Session BG2.17 Advances in process understanding, modelling and predictions of soil biogeochemical cycles


Merry Christmas and welcome to our webpage!

Hello World!

Here it is, our new web page dealing with disturbances and its related biogeochemical processes.

The idea of the page is to combine all our current and previous projects that are dealing with disturbances (fire, wind, herbivores, etc.) and different processes taking place during and after disturbances, and make them visible to the World.

We will try to keep the site updated with News, Publications, and more…

Feedback is very welcome!

Merry Christmas to all of us!