Strategic Research Council (SRC) together with Academy of Finland fund critical reading research

The Strategic Research Council (SRC) and the Academy of Finland have decided to fund a research consortium “Technological and Societal Innovations to Cultivate Critical Reading in the Internet Era (CRITICAL)” lead by professor Kristian Kiili (Tampere University). The decisions can be seen here. The University of Helsinki and PI Petteri Muukkonen leads the WP5 in the consortium. The consortium partners are Tampere University (leader), University of Jyväskylä, University of Oulu, and University of Helsinki. The first funding period is 2020-2023 and the possible second phase is 2023-2026.

Keywords of the research plan

critical reading, misinformation, disinformation, sourcing, geomedia, reading skills, individual differences, internet, game-based learning, assessment, learning analytics, geographical analyses, content adaptation, crowdsourcing

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