Learn the basics of Moodle on MOOC course!

The Moodle HQ organizes a free MOOC course “Learn Moodle 3.5 Basics”. The course is open for all and offers

  • ideas of how to use Moodle in a more versatile way in your teaching.
  • experience in studying with a MOOC ( = Massive Open Online Course).
  • a great opportunity to connect with a global Moodle community and share your ideas with other teachers using Moodle all around the world.
  • an introduction to
    • Moodle’s new Boost theme (that the University of Helsinki will introduce on 27.6.2018).
    • the new Moodle version 3.5. (that the University of Helsinki will most likely introduce at the turn of the year).

The course starts on 18th June 2018, and lasts for four weeks. The completion of the course is optional, so you can also participate to see execution of the course, and complete the assignments at your own pace.

Read more and register for the course in https://learn.moodle.net/.




Welcome to Moodle-miitti!

In Moodle-miitti on Mon 28th May at 9-12 o’clock teachers present their pedagogical solutions and the e-learning environment Moodle’s more advanced functions such as:

  • peer-to-peer and self-evaluation tools
  • quizzes and
  • interactive contents made with H5P.

Presentations are in Finnish.

At the Moodle-miitti, you will meet other Moodle teachers and hear their good practices and ideas on using Moodle. The event is ideal for those who have just started Moodle’s use and who have used Moodle for longer.

If you are interested in how the settings of Moodle activities are implemented, take part also in the afternoon at Moodle & MOOC Clinic.

Book your place in the Henkka Training Calendar, which also includes an updated program. Registration ends at 22nd May 2018.

Welcome to meet other Moodlers and enjoy morning coffee!




A new way to create a Moodle area and synchronize students from WebOodi

The teacher can now create a new Moodle area through the course pages. Students enrolled in WebOodi for this course will automatically be added to the Moodle area.

The creation takes place in the course page on the Moodle tab, through the button “Create a new Moodle course area”. The URL created for the Moodle area will be automatically added as a button to the course page. The course URL will be also visible in My Studies and My Teaching pages.

Students will be able to access the course area immediately after the area has been opened for students in Moodle. If changes are made for the participant list in WebOodi, it will automatically be updated to Moodle within two hours.

So the teacher does not have to

  •     add the students to the course
  •     open the self-registration and set an enrolment key

This function should not be used if the enrolment in the course is restricted in WebOodi. A new Moodle area can still be ordered by filling this form.

Please read more detailed instructions (only in Finnish at the moment) or ask more moodle @ helsinki.fi

Moodle 3.3 and the new Course overview

On 3rd January 2018 University of Helsinki’s Moodle was updated to the version 3.3. The course overview block in the previous versions of Moodle has been removed and replaced with a new course overview, which provides details of course progress and upcoming deadlines.

Unfortunately in the new course overview it is no longer possible to arrange courses as desired. This is a disadvantage for many teachers and students, especially if they are on multiple Moodle courses. We are currently investigating whether it would be possible to introduce a different “Course overview” block with previous features. We apologize for the situation and we will announce about the progress here.

What can I do?

1) Add Courses block on your Dashboard. (See video)

  • Go to your Dashboard
  • Click Customise this page (right corner)
  • Add block “Courses” (left column)
  • Move the “My courses” block to the middle.

2) Use My Teaching / My Studies pages. After the teacher has added the link to the Moodle course to the page, the Moodle area can be accessed also from there.

3) Search your Moodle course using Search tool on the frontpage and on Dashboard.

4) Add your Moodle courses as bookmarks to your browser. See Student’s digital skills: Bookmarks

What can I do as a teacher?

4) Teacher should define the start and end dates of the course, so that the courses will appear in the right tabs “In progress/Future/Past”.

If you have any questions, please contact moodle (at) helsinki.fi

Educational Technology Services
University of Helsinki IT services

What is new in Moodle 3.3?

Moodle was updated on the 3th January 2018 to version 3.3.

New and improved features:

  • Renewed dashboard (see video 1).
    • you can now check course progress, upcoming activities and gradable activities from the new Course overview block.
  • An improvement on ‘orphaned sections’, links may now be made to activities which are not shown on the course page. See Stealth activities. (see video 2).
  • Navigation is easier: you can access the sections using the navigation block and the navigation path.
  • The teacher may set a reminder to alert of grading in the course overview.
  • When evaluating pdf files in Assignments, comments may be collapsed to make it easier to read the original text.
  • The Progress bar block has been replaced be Completion progress block.

If you have any questions or comments about the new features, contact your Moodle support at moodle (a) helsinki.fi

Video 1: Dashboard in Moodle 3.3

Video 2: Stealth Activities In Moodle 3.3