Finnish presentations at theDong Hwa University

The fruits of the development work are presented in the International Conference at National Dong Hwa University in Hualien Taiwan at 18th May. The Finnish presentations are below:

  • Hyvinkää: Kivistö Merja: Play, social relations and drama
  • Hämeenlinna: Akselin, Marja-Liisa: Children’s choises
  • Järvenpää: Pölkki, Taija: Outdoors, physical activity and safety
  • Kerava: Söderqvist, Heli: Information technology, open simulations
  • Kerava: Timo, Kati:  Information technology, open simulations
  • Nurmijärvi: Käyhkö, Marita: Supporting play
  • Sipoo: Keski-Oja, Mervi: Supporting language development
  • Sipoo: Salomaa, Petra: Supporting language development
  • Tuusula: Joronen, Vesa: Quality and quality evaluation
  • Jyrki Reunamo: Everyone has to participate
  • Jyrki Reunamo: Planning models for ECEC teachers” (The importance of feedback in ECEC development)



Quality evaluation for 2012 data collected

The Early Childhood Education quality was evaluated by parents, educators and children themselves. All three types of evaluations have been merged. The merging makes it possible to study e.g. how children’s personal evaluations are connected with the staff’ evaluations of learning environment.  The cities and municipalities of Hyvinkää, Hämeenlinna, Järvenpää, Kerava, Kirkkonumme, Mäntsälä, Nurmijärvi, Pornainen, Tuusula and Vihti. The quality was evaluated by 3764 children, 3564 parents and 925 pedagogical teams.

The evaluations of the Learning Environments advance as planned

In the cities of Hyvinkää, Hämeenlinna, Nurmijärvi and Tuusula the children’s and parents evaluation of the day care learning environment has already been accomplished. In Tuusula the children’s and parents’ response rate was so high that the day care centers and even the groups could get their own evaluation. Below you can see the news of the Hyvinkää feedback:

Jokinen, R. Päiväkodissa on parasta kaverit ja leikkiminen [In day best is friends and playing] . (14.03.2012). Aamu-Uutiset. Etusivu: Lapset viihtyvät Hyvinkään päiväkodeissa [Front page: Children enjoy themselves in Hyvinkää’s day care].