Call for papers on Agency and Learning

The National Academy for Educational Research (NAER) of Taiwan announces its Second Symposium on Agency and Learning, as part of a cooperative project between the NAER, the University of Helsinki, and the Hong Kong Institute of Education.  The symposium will be held on the Taipei campus of the NAER.  The dates of the Symposium are May 14-15, 2013. The deadlines for abstracts, papers and other information about the conference can be found in here. The book of  first conference on Agency and Learning can be found here.

Stress article published in a book by Routledge

An article by Reunamo, J., Sajaniemi, N., Suhonen, E & Kontu, E.  Cortisol Levels and Children’s Orientation in Day Care has been published in a Routledge book  Early Child Care and Education in Finland. The editors of the book are Kaarina Määttä and Satu Uusiautti. More info about the book and ordering info from Book can be bought for example from Amazon. The data is from the Orientation project and the idea of the article is that children’s orientations are central in children’s coping with stress.

Agency and learning conference at the National Academy for Educational Research in Taiwan

The conference at the National Academy for Educational Research is set for 13th and 14th May 2013. The conference aims for a larger audience on the theme of Agency and Learning. The conference will take place in Sanxia. The web-address for NAER is The conference book for the previous 2010 conference can be accessed here.

Co-operation between University of Helsinki and Chang Gung University of Science and Technology

A memorandum was signed at the University of Helsinki to commemorate the new co-operation between Chang Gung University and University of Helsinki. The possibilities for student exchange, shared conferences and publications were examined. The first articles have been started. A plan for visiting students in 2013 was established. The preparations for a conference in May 2013 were started. We thank Professor Li-Chen Wang in Chang Gung and welcome her again soon! The english web-pages of Chung Gung University are here.

Three new publication in physical education

30000 0bservations of children’s physical activity in day care was made in 2010. Now the three first articles on the results have been published. The articles are:

New article on Role play

Another article of the research team has been accepted to be published  in the EECER-journal. The article reference information is:

Reunamo, J. T., Lee, H-C., Wu, R., Wang, L-C., Mou, W-Y. & Lin, C. J. (In print). Perceiving Change in Role Play. European Early Childhood Education and Research.

The processes of children giving roles to themselves, their peers, and toys are studied in the article. The children’s ideas are related to the changes in their learning environment, thus producing new content for learning.

The evaluations of the Learning Environments advance as planned

In the cities of Hyvinkää, Hämeenlinna, Nurmijärvi and Tuusula the children’s and parents evaluation of the day care learning environment has already been accomplished. In Tuusula the children’s and parents’ response rate was so high that the day care centers and even the groups could get their own evaluation. Below you can see the news of the Hyvinkää feedback:

Jokinen, R. Päiväkodissa on parasta kaverit ja leikkiminen [In day best is friends and playing] . (14.03.2012). Aamu-Uutiset. Etusivu: Lapset viihtyvät Hyvinkään päiväkodeissa [Front page: Children enjoy themselves in Hyvinkää’s day care].

Project cooperation in Hong Kong

The cooperation between Orientation Project and Hong Kong Centre for Childhood Research was initiated in 2010. From May 25th May until 3rd
June 2012 Reunamo visits the centre and the possibilities for shared research and development will be seeked further and hopefully in a more concrete level. Professor Doris Cheng (specializes in children’s play) is the director of the cooperation. The centre’s web-pages are at