Chang Gung seminar 10th May 2013 presentations

The seminar on Children’s Living and Learning at the Department of Child Education and Care at Chang Gung University of Science and Technology presentations are now available!

Dong Hwa University Conference in 18th May

The 2013 International Conference on Early Childhood Education Pro-Development and Agentive Practice in Dong Hwa University in Hualien was rich both intellectually and emotionally. Both Finnish and Taiwanese developers presented their development models based on the research results. The presenters themselves were best examples of ECEC developers who were aware of the difficulties but also saw the value of their work and presented their results with pride and respect. Thank you all who made it possible! The conference handbook can be retrieved here.

Chang Gung University seminar May 10, 2013

The Department of Child Education and Care at Chang Gung University of Science and Technology organized a seminar on Children’s Living and Learning ~ from children’s perspectives in May 10th 2013. The seminar was an unusually succesful sharing of research findings. We also found mutual interests and seek to collaborate in the near future. The seminar outlook can be retrieved in here. The presentations will be published in the blog soon.

NAER conference presentations

2013 International Conference on Agency and learning took place 14-15 May 2013. The conference was thought-provoking and fruitful. The conference handbook can be retrieved here. Thank you all at the National Academy of Educational Research and especially Rosalind Wu. It was amazing to see tentative ideas from 2008 becoming reality in 2013.

The Finnish presentations at the NAER conference on 14th and 15th May.

The National Academy of Educational Research in Taiwan organizes the second symposium on Agency and Learning in May 2013. The conference has four presentations from Finland:

  • Lasse Lipponen (keynote): From participation to agency: searching for children’ perspective
  • Marja-Liisa Akselin: Teaching and development tasks to support children’s agency and learning in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)
  • Leila Saros: Physical activity in direct education in Finland and Taiwan
  • Jyrki Reunamo: Reconstructive feedback in inner and environmental changes  



Finnish presentations at theDong Hwa University

The fruits of the development work are presented in the International Conference at National Dong Hwa University in Hualien Taiwan at 18th May. The Finnish presentations are below:

  • Hyvinkää: Kivistö Merja: Play, social relations and drama
  • Hämeenlinna: Akselin, Marja-Liisa: Children’s choises
  • Järvenpää: Pölkki, Taija: Outdoors, physical activity and safety
  • Kerava: Söderqvist, Heli: Information technology, open simulations
  • Kerava: Timo, Kati:  Information technology, open simulations
  • Nurmijärvi: Käyhkö, Marita: Supporting play
  • Sipoo: Keski-Oja, Mervi: Supporting language development
  • Sipoo: Salomaa, Petra: Supporting language development
  • Tuusula: Joronen, Vesa: Quality and quality evaluation
  • Jyrki Reunamo: Everyone has to participate
  • Jyrki Reunamo: Planning models for ECEC teachers” (The importance of feedback in ECEC development)



Call for papers on Agency and Learning

The National Academy for Educational Research (NAER) of Taiwan announces its Second Symposium on Agency and Learning, as part of a cooperative project between the NAER, the University of Helsinki, and the Hong Kong Institute of Education.  The symposium will be held on the Taipei campus of the NAER.  The dates of the Symposium are May 14-15, 2013. The deadlines for abstracts, papers and other information about the conference can be found in here. The book of  first conference on Agency and Learning can be found here.

Agency and learning conference at the National Academy for Educational Research in Taiwan

The conference at the National Academy for Educational Research is set for 13th and 14th May 2013. The conference aims for a larger audience on the theme of Agency and Learning. The conference will take place in Sanxia. The web-address for NAER is The conference book for the previous 2010 conference can be accessed here.

Orientation conference at Tzu-Chi University in May 2013

The Orientation conference will be held at Tzu-Chi University in Taiwan on 18th May 2013. In the conference we will share development tasks between Finland and Taiwan. There will be examples on development tasks on outdoor play, rule breaking behaviors, withdrawn behaviors. There will be also round table discussions and a keynote on the project theme. The conference aims to make a close contact between theory, research and work in practice. There will be participants from ten municipalities in Finland and researchers from the University of Helsinki. From Taiwan there will be researchers, practitioners and students participating the conference. The contact person for the conference is Dr Hui-Chun Lee (gwenlee (at)