Three new publication in physical education

30000 0bservations of children’s physical activity in day care was made in 2010. Now the three first articles on the results have been published. The articles are:

Inspiring Hong Kong collaboration

Jyrki Reunamo visited Hong Kong Institute of Education 25th May – 3rd June to share research initiatives and to present development tasks. Concrete research initiatives and development projects were started, mutual interests found and the future collaboration looks fruitful, to say the least.  There are things we can learn from each other and there are interesting things that we can compare and get perspective on. In a blog it is not possible to elaborate on the possibilities. The project will reveal itself bit by bit as the process advances. In the picture below you can see a gym in a day care center in Hong Kong.

Physical activity in day care

The research results concerning children’s physical education are presented in the Design Learning conference 10th May 2012. The presentations:

Jyrki Reunamo, Satu Lehto & Heikki Ruismäki: Children’s peer relations and children’s physical activity
Anna-Liisa Kyhälä & Jyrki Reunamo: Learning environment for physical activities in Finnish day care
Jyrki Reunamo & Leila Saros: The amount of physical activity in Finnish day care

Quality evaluation for 2012 data collected

The Early Childhood Education quality was evaluated by parents, educators and children themselves. All three types of evaluations have been merged. The merging makes it possible to study e.g. how children’s personal evaluations are connected with the staff’ evaluations of learning environment.  The cities and municipalities of Hyvinkää, Hämeenlinna, Järvenpää, Kerava, Kirkkonumme, Mäntsälä, Nurmijärvi, Pornainen, Tuusula and Vihti. The quality was evaluated by 3764 children, 3564 parents and 925 pedagogical teams.