Children’s orientations in play-based and academically focused preschools in Hong Kong

Children in the academically oriented preschool had more uncertain and less participative orientations than those in the play-based preschool. Especially boys were vulnerable in conflict settings.  Play-based environment was related with children’s capacities for agentive and participative social engagement, suggesting that play provides children with the opportunity to develop more versatile social tools and strategies. These competences are of vital importance for successful engagement in collective settings such as classrooms and schools. It may be that through play children can practice the production of shared content together with others, which is essential in work and social relations in general. The article can be accessed through the link below:

Cheng, D., Reunamo, J., Cooper, P., Liu, K. & Vong, K. P. (2015). Children’s agentive orientations in play-based and academically focused preschools in Hong Kong. Early child development and care.


Hualien workshop1

The first training workshop was completed on Saturday 11 April. There were 57 teachers from 20 preschools joining the project in the East area. The workshop starts at New Taipei City on 19 April. Click on the pictures to get them larger!

Funding for research on multicultural children in early childhood education in Finland

Outi Arvola is doing her doctoral thesis on the Orientation project data. The data will be ready by 29 May 2015. Outi has been granted 20000 eoros for research on multicultural children in early childhood education. Alli Paasikivi foundation chose Outi’s research from 257 applications, of which only 23 got funding. This means that Outi’s project was regarded being among the very best. Congratulations for Outi!

Orientation project symposium at QCCI conference in Hong Kong

Orientation project team will present some of the empirical results of the project at the 2015 Quality Childhood Conference International (QCCI) symposium. The conference takes place at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. The research results will be from Finland, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan.
The conference theme is Enhancing Quality Childhood Education. Check out the conference website at See you at the conference!

Observation training in Taiwan






In Taiwan the observation is from September to December 2015. In every country the observation training is based on same video examples, which have been coded in a similar way in Finland in August 2014. Finnish and Taiwanese researchers sat long hours at the same table looking at the same videos working for a shared understanding of the observed items. With this arrangement we made sure that the researchers in Finland and Taiwan could see the situations in a similar way. Then we use these definitions in the observation training. With this arrangement we seek to make the comparison across countries as accurate as possible. The observers see the same activities and discuss the same definitions. The picture on the left is from the Chung Gung University training for the New Taipei City observers. The picture on the right is from the training in Eastern Taiwan. Click on the pictures to see them larger!

The New Taipei City grant

The New Taipei City teachers were introduced to Orientation project on 23th December. The City decided to grant our project. This is very good news. We will get a good sample and we can provide the teachers feedback on their work. We hope we can provide Taiwanese early childhdood teachers a wholesome picture of the path to well-being for young children.

Finnish observers ready

ipp  In Finland almost 300 observers were trained to observe the everyday activities of early childhood education. The observed items include general activity, children’s activity, children’s object of attention, physical activity, involvement, emotions, social orientation and the activity of the nearest educator. Between January and May 2015 every minute four observations based on random sampling is conducted somewhere in Southern Finland. The picture is from the Helsinki training. Other training places were Hämeenlinna and Turku. The observers send their greeting to other observers in Asia!