Art & science collaboration in times of the climate crisis

Think Corner / Tiedekulma
Monday 6.11.2023 13–15
Event in Facebook:


This two-hour event is an interdisciplinary inquiry into the possibilities of art & science collaboration in times of the ongoing climate crisis. What can artists and scientists learn from each other, and how can their respective ways of sensing, processing and knowing be intertwined? What is the role of interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge production in the ongoing transition towards more sustainable ways of living on the planet?

The event will begin with the screening of Josefina Nelimarkka’s video work that delves into the world fo atmospheric motions and digital cloud formations. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion on art & science collaboration and the various ways in which artists and scientists relate to the atmosphere and the ongoing climate crisis. The panelists are professor Timo Vesala, curator Yvonne Billimore, curator Ulla Taipale and artist Josefina Nelimarkka.

After the panel discussion, there will be a possibility to network and meet with others that are interested in collaborating across disciplines. If you have an idea or an existing art & science project that you would like to share or find collaborators for, you can bring it with you.

Event streaming can also be followed online:

The event is a part of the Climate University Annual Meeting 2023. You can sign up for the meeting through this link: 

Event is organized by the University of Helsinki, UniArts Helsinki, Hanken School of Economics and Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center ACCC.

New Climate University courses published

Today we had the joy to celebrate the publication of a brand new Climate University course Living with changing climate. Course is a masters’ level course for those interested in the use of open climate and weather data for real-life climate mitigation and adaptation actions. Course is done in collaboration with the University of Helsinki Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research and Faculty of Educational Sciences, Finnish Meteorological Institute and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Find out more about the course here.

Figure: Contents of the ‘Living with changing climate’ course. 

The course will be first time taught by the University of Helsinki, in collaboration with Finnish Meteorological Institute, 30.10.-11.12.2023, as a five credits course, open for anyone. University of Helsinki students can register in Sisu with course code ATM389, other Climate University students here and others via open university here.

Figure: Working group members are happy after finishing the work 5.10.2023. 


Syksyn alkajaisiksi myös Biodiversiteetti.nyt on julkistettu suomeksi. Itä-Suomen yliopisto on muokannut suomenkielisen päivitetyn version, joka on nyt avoimesti tutustuttavissa täällä. Kurssi on myös opetuksessa 2.10.2023-31.5.2024 – ilmoittautuminen UEF-opiskelijoille 1.8.2023 – 15.5.2024 täällä ja Avoimen opiskelijoille 7.8.2023 – 9.5.2024 täällä.


University of Helsinki has also made a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the Climate University course Course is part of the Una Europa Micro-Credential in Sustainability and can be studied any time here.


One more Climate University course is in a production phase. Forests and Climate Change is planned in collaboration with the University of Helsinki, the Natural Resources Institute Finland and the Finnish Meteorological Institute and will be published in autumn 2024.