Climate University in Hacking Higher Education finals

Climate University was selected as one of the ten finalists in the Hacking Higher Education 2020 competition. We thank for the honour!

The finals were held online on 16 September and the winner of the title Higher Education Developer of the Year was selected by public voting. This time, the 1st prize went to India, Elixar Systems Augmented Reality, with total of 32 000 votes. Congratulations to the winner! And thank you for everyone who voted for us!

Register now: Partnering Science and Law for Effective Climate Action

Welcome to the next Climate University workshop!


Wed 7.10. Climate Science 

9:00 Opening 

Keynote opening speech, Juhani Damski, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Environment (former Director of the Finnish Meteorological Institute)  

Changing the world together – welcome to Climate University community, Laura Riuttanen, University of Helsinki, coordinator of CU

9:20 Speed Networking 

9:50 Break  

10:00 Understanding global warming – what is the challenge from climate science to the society? 

What do the climate scientists want you to know about climate science? What are the current topics in climate science that are the most relevant to the society? Keynote speech by Sami Romakkaniemi, Research Professor, Finnish Meteorological Institute. Group work in break-out rooms.  

12:00 Lunch break

13:00  How to strengthen the climate and sustainability competencies of the society? 

Climate University is producing new online courses on sustainability and climate change by the end of year 2020. Welcome to get to know them!

13:30 Introducing the new CU courses 

In parallel break-out rooms:

  1. The Climate university courses:, and   
  2. goes Nordic   
  3. Open discussion on climate science  
  4. Lukiolaisten Ilmasto.nyt 

15:45 Check-out of the day  


Thu 8.10. Law 

9:00 Opening 

Opening speech Tapio Määttä, Academic Rector, University of Eastern Finland

9:15 How can law help in the battle against climate change? 

This session will provide an overview of the evolution of climate law, the role of law in the battle against climate change and for climate justice. It will address what is happening with climate law internationally, the EU and in Finland, as well as highlight how UN climate negotiations work (and how experts in non-legal fields can support efforts for strong, science-based policies).

Keynote speeches by Kati Kulovesi, Professor of International Law, Univeristy of Eastern Finland, and Heta Heiskanen, Secretary-General of the Climate Panel

12:00 Lunch break (option to record #ClimateChallenges) 

13:00 Discussions & meetings:

Working in parallel breakout rooms:

  1. Discussion on gaps and challenges in climate science and law 
  2. teachers’ meeting 
  3. teachers’ meeting  
  4. #ClimateChallenges 

15:45 Check-out of the workshop


The workshop will be fully online and hosted by the University of Eastern Finland. Participation links and details will be sent to the registered participants before the workshop.

Register here registration extended until 5 October 12:00 EET!



Santtu Mikkonen, University of Eastern Finland

Laura Riuttanen, University of Helsinki

Autumn pilots of the new Climate University courses

Tänä syksynä pilotoidaan useita uusia Climate University –kursseja.


Ilmastoviestintä.nyt-verkkokurssilla käydään läpi tärkeää, mielenkiintoista ja ajankohtaista teemaa – vaikuttavaa ilmastoviestintää. Aihe on monipuolinen: DigiCampukseen luotu kurssimateriaali sisältää mm. tiedeviestinnän problematiikkaa, ajattelun vinoumien ja denialismin ymmärtämistä sekä psykologisesti viisaan ilmastoviestinnän avaimia. Viestinnällä on valtava rooli siinä, kuinka ilmastonmuutoksen haasteet ratkaistaan (tai ei ratkaista). Kurssi-ilmoittautuminen on auki Oulun yliopiston opiskelijoille ( sekä Oulun avoimen yliopiston kautta kaikille kiinnostuneille ( Kurssin virtuaalinen aloitussessio on 8.9.2020. will be later available also in English. course is currently being piloted as an intensive course in collaboration with the Universities of Helsinki, Tampere, Turku and Aalto. The course will be open to students in the spring semester 2021. approaches global grand challenges from the perspective of interconnected Earth and human social systems. It provides the students with important systems thinking tools, which assist in making sense of the complex global phenomena like climate change. They also help the students in recognising leverage points for intentional systems change and in reflecting on their own agency within various systems.


Statistical tools for climate and atmospheric science is also piloted in the Autumn (periods I-II), with students of the EnCHiL program. The course will be opened for the students of the University of Eastern Finland (course code 3352755), the University of Helsinki (course code ATM308), students of the EnCHiL program and students in open university of the University of Eastern Finland (details given later in Autumn) in January 2021. In the course you learn how to find and use open atmospheric and climate data, how to conduct statistical analyses on the data and how to report your findings.


Kestävyys.nyt -kurssia pilotoidaan Oulun yliopistossa loppusyksystä (kurssikoodi 766381A, periodi II). Kestävyys.nyt -kurssilla opit ekologisen, taloudellisen, sosiaalisen ja kulttuurisen kestävyyden perusteet ja pohdit, mitä ne tarkoittavat ilmastonmuutoksen aikakaudella. course on will be later available also in English. The course covers the basics of ecological, economical, social and cultural sustainability in the time of climate change.


Kiertotalous.nyt –kurssia kiertotalouden perusteista järjestetään LUT-yliopistossa (kurssikoodi BH60A5400) sekä Helsingin yliopistossa (kurssikoodi MAAT-051) ja Helsingin yliopiston avoimessa yliopistossa ( Kiertotalous.nyt-materiaalit löydät osoitteesta online course on the basics of circular economy is available in LUT University (course code BH60A5400), University of Helsinki (course code MAAT-051) as well as open university of Helsinki ( You find the materials at


Ilmasto.nyt-kurssille ilmastonmuutoksen perusteista voit tänä syksynä osallistua ainakin Helsingin yliopistossa (kurssikoodi ATM302, periodissa II), Itä-Suomen yliopistossa (kurssikoodi 3352703, periodi II) ja Jyväskylän yliopistossa (kurssikoodi BENA4036). Helsingin yliopiston kurssi on auki myös avoimen yliopiston kautta (, ilmoittautuminen aukeaa 12.9.). Ilmasto.nyt-materiaaliin voit tutustua osoitteessa course on the basics of climate change you can take this Autumn at least in the Universities of Helsinki (course code ATM302, period II), Eastern Finland (course code 3352703, period II) and Jyväskylä (course code BENA4036). The University of Helsinki course is also open via the open university (, registration opens 12.9.). You find the learning material from


Lukiolaisen Ilmasto.nyt on tarjolla Oulun yliopiston kurkistuskurssina avoimen yliopiston kautta (kurssikoodi ay766383A, aloituspäivämäärä 1.10.).


Kaikkien Climate University –kurssien kurssimateriaalit tulevat olemaan avoimia kaikille kiinnostuneille – niin opettajille kuin opiskelijoillekin. Uudet kurssit tehdään, joka mahdollistaa kurssikopioiden ottamisen eri korkeakoulujen käyttöön. Lisenssi CC-BY-SA. Uusista kursseista kuulet lisää seuraavassa Climate University –verkkopajassa 7.-8.10. – ilmoittautuminen aukeaa pian!

All Climate University course materials will be open for everyone – for students as well as teachers. The new courses will be made to the platform that enables course copies for different universities. Licence is CC-BY-SA. Welcome to hear more in the next virtual Climate University workshop 7.-8.10. – registration opens soon!

PS. Read more about the new Climate University courses from this earlier blog post: