Climate University courses in Spring 2024

Ilmastoviestintä (2 op) 8.1.-11.3.2024. Oulun yliopiston opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat kurssikoodilla 766382A, muut Climate University -opiskelijat täällä. Huom. ilmoittautuminen päättyy 1.1.2024! (2 ECTS) 15.1.-3.3.2024. University of Helsinki students register with course code ATM382, other Climate University students here and others via open university here. (5 ECTS), 10.1.-10.4.2024. University of Turku students register with course code MAAN7741, University of Helsinki students with course code ATM379, other Climate University students here and others via Turku open university here by 8.1.2024.

Leadership for sustainable change (5 ECTS) 16.1.-27.2.2024. University of Helsinki students register with course code ATM373, University of Jyväskylä students with course code CEMS2610, Tampere University students with course codes HAL.YPAT.341 or KAT.VAST.328 or LFC.360, Hanken students with course code 22089-E, other Climate University students here and others via open university here.

Kestävän kehityksen perusteet (3-5 op), 8.1.-11.3.2024. Oulun ylipiston opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat kurssikoodilla NP00AF43 ja muut Climate University -opiskelijat täällä. Huom. ilmoittautuminen päättyy 1.1.2024!

Principles of sustainable development (3-5 ECTS), 8.1.-11.3.2024. University of Oulu students register with course code NP00AF43 and other Climate University students here. Note. Registration ends 1.1.2024!

Sustainable.Now (3 ECTS), 4.3.2024-19.4.2024. Open via LUT open university, course code BH60A6801, registration time 5.2.2024 – 22.2.2024

Sustainable.Now (5 ECTS), 4.3.2024-19.4.2024. Open via LUT open university, course code BH60A6801, registration time 5.2.2024 – 22.2.2024

Kestävä kehitys maantieteessä (5 op) (Kestävyys.nyt -opintojakson maantieteeseen tuunattu versio), suomi/englanti, Turun yliopiston opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat 31.7.2024 mennessä kurssikoodilla MAAN6070. Muut ilmoittautuvat 21.2.2024 mennessä avoimen yliopiston toteutukselle (26.2.–7.4.2024) täällä. (5 ECTS), 11.3.-2.5.2024. University of Helsinki students register with course code ATM380, Turku UAS students with course code TE00BR31-3005, Metropolia students with course code XX00DW15-3006, other Climate University students here and others via open university here. Registration is open 1.1.-26.2.2024. (5 sp), 18.3.-24.5.2024. Kursinformation och anmälan: Anmälningstid 20.11.2023-11.3.2024. Undervisningsspråk svenska.

Courses available on a continuous basis: (2 ECTS) available on a continuous basis – study and registration here (2 ECTS) available on a continuous basis – study and registration here

Ilmastonmuutos -verkkokurssi / Climate Change -eLearning (2 op) 1.8.2023 – 17.6.2024. UEF:n opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat Pepin kautta (kurssikoodi 3352711) ja muut avoimen yliopiston kautta täällä.

Ilmasto.nyt – ilmastonmuutoksen peruskurssi /  – Basic Course on Climate Change (2 op). Turun yliopiston opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat kurssikoodilla MAAN6570-3005 ja muut Turun Avoimessa yliopistossa koodilla MAAN6570-3006

Ilmasto.nyt / (2 op), suomi/englanti, Turun yliopiston opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat kurssikoodilla MAAN6570 ja muut avoimen yliopiston kautta täällä 31.7.2024 mennessä.

Introduction to sustainability (3 ECTS) available on a continuous basis – study and registration here

Johdatus kestävän tulevaisuuden opintoihin, A-osa (3 op) jatkuvasti suoritettavissa, Ilmoittautumisaika UEF-opiskelijoille 31.7.2024 asti, kurssikoodi 5319404 ja avoimen opiskelijoille 17.6.2024 asti täällä. Opintojakson arvostelu 29.2.2024, 31.5.2024 ja 31.7.2024.

Kiertotalous.nyt / (3 ECTS) available on a continuous basis – University of Helsinki students can register with the course code MAAT-051B, other Climate University students here and others here.

Kiertotalous.nyt (3 op) opiskeltavissa itsenäisesti – Karelia ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijat ilmoittautuvat Pepissä kurssikoodilla IE10077 ja muut avoimen ammattikorkeakoulun kautta

Kiertotalous.nyt (3 op) opiskeltavissa itsenäisesti 14.9.2023 – 15.5.2024 välisenä aikana. Avoinna UEF opiskelijoille täällä (ilmoittautuminen 15.5.2024 mennessä)  ja avoimen opiskelijoille täällä (ilmoittautuminen 28.4.2024 mennessä).

Leadership for sustainable change (2 ECTS) available on a continuous basis – University of Helsinki students can register with course code ATM383, other Climate University students here and others here.

Una Europa Micro-Credential in Sustainability (10 ECTS) available on a continuous basis – find more info here:

Courses with restricted registration:

Climate Change (5 ECTS), 8.1.2024-19.4.2024. LUT students register with the course code BH60A5900, registration time 1.12.2023 – 2.1.2024.

Climate.Now (2 ECTS), 8.1.2024-19.4.2024. Open via open university, course code BH60A7400, registration time 1.12.2023 – 2.1.2024, 22.1-8.3.2024. Hanken students register with the course code 38025, registration is open until 14.1.2024.

Circular.Now (3 ECTS) 8.1.2024-23.2.2024. LUT students register with course code BH60A7200, registration time 1.12.2023 – 2.1.2024.

Circular.Now (3 ECTS), 4.3.2024-19.4.2024. LUT students register with course code BH60A7200, registration time 5.2.2024 – 22.2.2024.

Circular.Now (3 ECTS), 1.6.2024-31.7.2024. LUT students register with course code BH60A7200, registration time 18.4.2024 –18.5.2024.

Kiertotalous.nyt / (5 ECTS) available on a continuous basis – University of Helsinki students can register with the course code MAAT-051.

Greetings from Annual Meeting 2023

Climate University Annual Meeting 2023 was held in Helsinki 6.-7.11.2023 with more than 100 changemakers listening, discussing, sharing, experiencing and planning education collaboration in the times of the climate crisis. Theme of the meeting was art and science collaboration, and the event was co-organized by the University of Helsinki, the University of the Arts Helsinki and the Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center. Event was also a 5-year anniversary of the Climate University, as the network hosted our very first workshop in the same place in November 2018.

Event started with a panel discussion on the Think Corner Stage, where professor of meteorology Timo Vesala and art curator Ulla Taipale from the University of Helsinki, art curator Yvonne Billimore from BioArt Society as well as artist Josefina Nelimarkka shared their views of the need of art-science collaboration. Panel discussion was moderated by Saara Hannula from the UniArts. Piece or art ‘Supersaturation’ by Josefina Nelimarkka was shown on the stage.

One of the new outcomes of the Climate University collaboration is the Specialisation Programme in Climate Expertise, which is a 2-year (60 ECTS) specialisation education for those who need climate expertise in their working life.  Also new Climate University for Virtual Exchanges programme (CLUVEX) was advertised, as well as new MOOC.

According to Climate University vision and strategy 2023-2027, six action groups were established and they met for the first time on Monday afternoon. Registration to the action groups is still open to everyone interested in higher education collaboration on climate and sustainability education (see link above).

Evening reception was hosted by the Helsinki Observatory. In 2021, students of the University of Helsinki designed a climate change exhibition there, that has already been seen by 20 000 visitors!

Tuesday morning, Climate University network topics were workshopped in Helsinki EduHub. Action groups presented their future plans and next steps were discussed.

Next Climate University Annual Meeting will be held in Oulu 6.-7.11.2024.

Action groups will also meet in 8.4. in Vuosaari, Helsinki (hybrid), attached to ACCC Impact Week.

Text: Laura Riuttanen

Photos: Laura Riuttanen, Reetta Matilainen, Janina Taurinen