Climate University Annual Meeting 2023 – register now!

Welcome to Climate University Annual gathering in Helsinki 6.-7.11.! Meetings are open to all interested in climate and sustainability education.


Mon 6.11.

12-13 Lunch (at own cost), Think Corner

13-15 Art & Science, Think Corner Stage, online streaming

  • Opening of the meeting
  • Art and science on the stage
  • Panel discussion: How can art & science collaboration help solving sustainability challenges? What do we need to learn from each other?
  • Invitation to CU Action Groups

15-17 Launch of CU Action Groups, Think Lounge (Think Corner 2nd floor)

17:30-18:30 exhibition, Observatory of Helsinki

18- Coctails and networking, Observatory of Helsinki

  • Free for first 50 registered participants

Tue 7.11.

8:30 Coffee, Helsinki Edu Hub

9-11 Network topics, Helsinki Edu Hub

  • Summary of the action group launch, by group chairs
  • Recent advances in cross-studies, by Outi Lassi, University of Helsinki
  • Opportunity for teacher meetings
  • CU next steps

11 Lunch (at own cost), Restaurant Perho

12 Unifi Sustainability Seminar starts, Hanken School of Economics


Please register here by 19.10.:



Helsinki Think Corner, Yliopistonkatu 4

Helsinki Observatory, Kopernikuksentie 1

Helsinki Edu Hub, Runeberginkatu 14-16

Restaurant Perho, Mechelininkatu 7

Hanken School of Economics, Arkadiankatu 22

Töölö Towers, Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 23 A


Participants are asked to reserve their own accommodation.

We have pre-booked 30 single rooms at Töölö Towers for those coming for the Climate University 2023 meeting. These rooms are 105€ per night, including a buffet breakfast. Töölö Towers is fairly close to Think Corner and right next to Helsinki Education Hub and Hanken School of Economics. The pre-booking is for 6.-8.11.2023 so those staying for the Unifi-Arene can stay in their accommodation. The discount code for the booking is CU2023 and the booking needs to be made by 2.10. through this link.


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