New PhD positions in the Finnish Doctoral Program in Geology

The steering group of the Doctoral Program in Geology has made decision of new PhD positions as follow:

Autere Hanna: Sedimentology of the Oulujoki and Tana river basins during the Late-Weichselian and Holocene; 4 years

Guo Fangfang: The nobel metal contents of Finnish basic-ultrabasic volcanic rocks and dykes: Implications for Finland’s Ni-PGE-Au prospectivity; 4 years

Howett Peter:Hydrogeological modelling of surface water-groud water interactions and its applications as a tool to manage environmental impacts of mining activity; 4 years

Kotilainen Anna:Vaasan kompleksin migmatisaation ja granitoidimagmatismin isotooppigeokemiallinen tutkimus; 4 years

Lehtonen Elina: Suomen vihreäkivivyöhykkeiden kehitys; 4 years

Oksman Mimmi: Variability of sea surface temperatures and sea ice in Baffin Bay and their influence on the North Atlantic ocean circulation during the Holocene; 4 years

Ovaskainen Juha: Subfossil beetles as indicators of climatic and environmental conditions of Weichselian interdtadials known in Finland, based on the species; 4 years

Brozinski Ari: Geomatkailu; 1 year

Heinonen Suvi: Seismic reflection soundings in mineral exploration; 2 years

Nikkilä Kaisa: Keski-Suomen ja Savon alueen analogiset mallit; 1 year

Rama Miradije: Vermiculite in Sokli; 2 years

Salminen Paula:Hiilen kiertokulku 2.5-2 miljardia vuotta sitten – Petsamon sedimentääristen karbonaattikivien hiilen isotooppikoostumus; 1 year

Tang Hui: Modelling Late Miocene monsoon history of Asia; 1 year



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