Author Archives: skultti

Spring seminar Program

Finnish Doctoral Program in Geology March 12‐13, 2012 Spring Seminar in Tallinn, Estonia Venue: Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel (Sadama 11a) PROGRAM Monday March 12, 2012 Assembly in Länsisatama no later than 09:30: Tickets and registration. Helsinki‐Tallinn 10:30 … Continue reading

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Spring Seminar 2012

All full-time PhD students and their supervisors are welcome to participate in the Spring Seminar of the Finnish Graduate Program in Geology. The seminar will take place on 12.-13.3.2012 in Tallinn (Hotel Tallink Spa & Conference). Expensees due to the … Continue reading

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Haku geologian tohtoriohjelmaan 2012 – Call for PhD-position 2012

Geologian valtakunnallinen tohtoriohjelma julistaa haettavaksi yhden päätoimisen, tohtorikoulutettavan paikan ajalle 1.4. 2012–31.12.2015. Rahoitus on suunnattu geologian ja sitä sivuavan geofysiikan aloille. Lisätietoja hausta The Finnish Doctoral Program in Geology announces one open full-time PhD position for the period 1.4.2012–31.12.2015. The … Continue reading

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New PhD positions in the Finnish Doctoral Program in Geology

The steering group of the Doctoral Program in Geology has made decision of new PhD positions as follow: Autere Hanna: Sedimentology of the Oulujoki and Tana river basins during the Late-Weichselian and Holocene; 4 years Guo Fangfang: The nobel metal … Continue reading

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Short course: Paleoceanography 26.-30.3.2012

The course is full, no more students can be accepted.   The primary aim of the course is to help the students to understand the structure and dynamics of the ocean system and its role in the climate system. During … Continue reading

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