Category Archives: Ajankohtaista

Post-Doc positions

The geological Survey of Finland is seeking two POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERS in the minerals and raw materials research area.

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Short course of 3D-modelling

22.-25.5.2012: 3D GEOLOGIC MODELLING OF DEEPLY BURIED MINERAL DEPOSITS BY INTEGRATING SEISMIC; GEOLOGICAL MAP AND DRILL HOLE DATA Lectured by: Dr. Ernst Schetselaar and Dr. David Snyder, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa Travel and reasonable accommodation expenses will be covered … Continue reading

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FB-group for PhD students

PhD students of geology and solid earth geophysics are welcome to join FB-group:

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Short course: Paleoceanography 26.-30.3.2012 is cancelled

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Geologian tohtoriohjelman johtokunta on päättänyt haettavana olleesta tohtorikoulutettavan paikasta

Tohtorikoulutustukea jaettiin 12.3.2012 seuraavasti: Kirsi Luolavirta (OY), 36 kk Emilia Kosonen (HY), 6 kk Hanna Junttila (OY), 6 kk  

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