Spring seminar Program

Finnish Doctoral Program in Geology
March 12‐13, 2012 Spring Seminar in Tallinn, Estonia
Venue: Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel (Sadama 11a)


Monday March 12, 2012
Assembly in Länsisatama
no later than 09:30:
Tickets and registration.
10:30 M/S Superstar leaves for Tallinn, Shuttle Buffet breakfast onboard
10:30‐12:30 Doctoral Program Board Meeting (Conference Cabin, Deck 7)
12:30 Arrival in Tallinn (Terminal D)
Move to Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel (15 min by foot).
Seminar on Monday afternoon
14:00‐18:00 Conference Center, Galaxy Hall
14:00‐14:05 Opening (prof. Tapani Rämö, University of Helsinki)
14:05‐14:20 Geologian tohtorikoulutuksen uudet tuulet (FT Seija Kultti, University of Helsinki)
14:20‐15:00 Hyväksi koetut tohtoriohjauskäytännöt HY:n fysiikan laitoksella
(FT Antti Lauri, University of Helsinki)
15:00‐15:40 Practices of doctoral training at the TUT (prof. Alvar Soesoo, Tallinn University of
15:40‐16:00 Coffee break
16:00‐18:00 Workshop: Terveisiä väitöskirjapolulta: jatko‐opiskelijoiden kokemuksia hyvinvoinnista ja
sitoutumisesta (KM Jenni Stubb, University of Helsinki)
Social program on Monday
18:00‐20:00 Aqua Spa facilities available, Tallink Spa & Conference
18:00 Reception for Doctoral Program Board Members; downtown Tallinn, departure from the
hotel lobby at 18:00 (prof. Pekka Nurmi, GTK)
20:00 Dinner at Restaurant Maikrahv (Raekoja Plats 8; http://www.maikrahv.ee/).
Charter coach leaves from Tallink Spa & Conference at 20:00

Tuesday March 13, 2012
07:00‐09:00 Breakfast
09:00‐13:00 Conference Center, Galaxy Halls
Workshops on Tuesday morning
09:00‐10:40 Galaxy 1: Student workshop on practical issues of doctoral training (FT Mia Kotilainen,
University of Helsinki)
09:00‐10:40 Galaxy 2: Supervisor workshop on timely issues of the Doctoral Program (prof. Tapani
Rämö, FT Seija Kultti)
10:40‐11:00 Coffee break
Concluding session
11:00‐12:00 Outcome of the workshops (FT Seija Kultti, FT Mia Kotilainen)
12:00‐12:40 Upcoming activities of the Doctoral Program (prof. Tapani Rämö),
SIGL news (Dr. Yann Lahaye, GTK), FEM video (Prof. Pekka Nurmi)
12:40‐12:45 Closure (prof. Tapani Rämö)
13:30 Assembly at Terminal D
14:00‐16:00 Tallinn‐Helsinki on M/S Superstar, buffet lunch onboard
16:00 Arrival in Helsinki (Länsisatama)

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Spring Seminar 2012

All full-time PhD students and their supervisors are welcome to participate in the Spring Seminar of the Finnish Graduate Program in Geology.

The seminar will take place on 12.-13.3.2012 in Tallinn (Hotel Tallink Spa & Conference). Expensees due to the seminar will be covered by the graduate program.

Registration dead-line 24.2.2012

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Haku geologian tohtoriohjelmaan 2012 – Call for PhD-position 2012

Geologian valtakunnallinen tohtoriohjelma julistaa haettavaksi yhden päätoimisen, tohtorikoulutettavan paikan ajalle 1.4. 2012–31.12.2015. Rahoitus on suunnattu geologian ja sitä sivuavan geofysiikan aloille.

Lisätietoja hausta

The Finnish Doctoral Program in Geology announces one open full-time PhD position for the period 1.4.2012–31.12.2015. The Doctorate Program in Geology includes all sub-disciplines of geology and solid earth geophysics. The dead-line for the applications is 29.3.2012.

More information


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New PhD positions in the Finnish Doctoral Program in Geology

The steering group of the Doctoral Program in Geology has made decision of new PhD positions as follow:

Autere Hanna: Sedimentology of the Oulujoki and Tana river basins during the Late-Weichselian and Holocene; 4 years

Guo Fangfang: The nobel metal contents of Finnish basic-ultrabasic volcanic rocks and dykes: Implications for Finland’s Ni-PGE-Au prospectivity; 4 years

Howett Peter:Hydrogeological modelling of surface water-groud water interactions and its applications as a tool to manage environmental impacts of mining activity; 4 years

Kotilainen Anna:Vaasan kompleksin migmatisaation ja granitoidimagmatismin isotooppigeokemiallinen tutkimus; 4 years

Lehtonen Elina: Suomen vihreäkivivyöhykkeiden kehitys; 4 years

Oksman Mimmi: Variability of sea surface temperatures and sea ice in Baffin Bay and their influence on the North Atlantic ocean circulation during the Holocene; 4 years

Ovaskainen Juha: Subfossil beetles as indicators of climatic and environmental conditions of Weichselian interdtadials known in Finland, based on the species; 4 years

Brozinski Ari: Geomatkailu; 1 year

Heinonen Suvi: Seismic reflection soundings in mineral exploration; 2 years

Nikkilä Kaisa: Keski-Suomen ja Savon alueen analogiset mallit; 1 year

Rama Miradije: Vermiculite in Sokli; 2 years

Salminen Paula:Hiilen kiertokulku 2.5-2 miljardia vuotta sitten – Petsamon sedimentääristen karbonaattikivien hiilen isotooppikoostumus; 1 year

Tang Hui: Modelling Late Miocene monsoon history of Asia; 1 year



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Short course: Paleoceanography 26.-30.3.2012

The course is full, no more students can be accepted.


The primary aim of the course is to help the students to understand the structure and dynamics of the ocean system and its role in the climate system. During the course, students will be introduced to the ocean dynamics (e.g.  ocean circulation, forcing factors, ocean-atmosphere interactions), research methods in paleoceanography, and paleoceanographic history of the North Atlantic, Nordic Seas and the Arctic Ocean.



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