Criminal cultures and criminal figures in the Soviet Union and the Post-Soviet space: Report of a GULAGECHOES online workshop organized by Dr. Costanza Curro


Dr. Costanza Curro, a Postdoctoral research fellow on the Gulag Echoes project, has been analysing criminal subcultures in Georgia’s penal system. In this blog post, Costanza reports on an online workshop she organised on 30 March 2022 as part of the GULAGECHOES project.

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Paris conference – then meeting

On March 7-8, Dr Costanza Curro and Dr Vakhtang Kekoshvili attended a two-day meeting in Paris concerning the war in Ukraine, which had started just a couple of weeks before. The meeting took place instead of the international conference ‘The Making of the 1990s: The genesis of post-Soviet society through its material culture’, organized by Center for Russian, Caucasian and Eastern European Studies (CERCEC / EHESS – CNRS).
The originally planned event was supposed to host a number of scholars to discuss social and cultural dynamics of the Soviet 1990s through the prism of material culture. Dr Curro and Dr Kekoshvili had prepared a paper for presentation titled ‘People, time and tea: The end of the Soviet Union in the labour colony of Khoni, Georgia’. The paper explored life in the town of Khoni (Western Georgia) and the big correctional colony that it hosted in the late 1980s, through residents’ and former employees’ narratives related to the tea plantation where prisoners worked. Other topics covered by the papers to be presented included value, barter, the materiality of space, art, culture and music.
The beginning of the war in Ukraine urged organizers and participants to consider the appropriateness of holding the conference amidst such events. After a discussion on participants’ opinions and feelings – among whom there were scholars from both Ukraine and Russia – the organizers decided to cancel the conference. Instead, participants who were still able and willing to travel to Paris were invited at a meeting to discuss potential ways to deal with the conflict as academics and experts on the region. The main points of the discussion focused on ways to deal with Russian academic institutions and Russian scholars in connection with the opposition against the war (or the lack thereof), as well as on the future of research in Russia and the former Soviet region.

Online conference ”From One Crisis to the Next? Mediating Border Crises and Solidarity Activism”, 18th February 2022

Dr Larisa Kangaspuro attended the online conference ”From One Crisis to the Next? Mediating Border Crises and Solidarity Activism”. The conference provided a possibility to hear about the results of the research project “Border Crises in Two Languages: Mediatized Politics and Solidarity Activism in the Wake of the 2015 Asylum Migration”. More about the project at


Presentation ““Another” Finnish penal culture in the Russian Empire”, 53rd ASEEES Annual Convention. 18-21.11.2021, New Orleans, USA

Visit to the GULAGECHOES project of Pastor Avo Üprus of the Baltic Crime Prevention Institute, Estonia.

Avo Üprus and Markku Kangaspuro

On 10th  November 2021, Gulagechoes welcomed Avo Üprus to the Aleksanteri Institute. Avo has been giving valuable assistance to the Estonian leg of the project. Avo was deeply involved in the discussion about prison reform that took place in Estonia in the early 1990s and for the past thirty years has devoted his time to supporting people who are serving sentences in Estonia’s prison or who have recently been released from prison and need help to re-adjust to ‘life on the outside.’ Whilst in Helsinki, Avo signed a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the Baltic Crime Prevention Institute of Estonia and the Aleksanteri Institute to continue the cooperation with the gulagechoes project.